List of open-source technologies that will help in the process of building a pipeline for CG or VFX productions.
Any contribution is welcome!
- The Gimp - Image editor
- Krita - Digital Painting
- Opentoonz - Animation
- Synfig - Animation
- Pencil2D - Hand-drawn animation
- Storyboarder - Storyboard editor
- MyPaint - Painting app for artists
- Inkscape - Vector graphics editor
- Blender - Modeling and animation
- Dust3D - Dust3D is brand new 3D modeling software. It lets you create watertight 3D models in seconds. Use it to speed up character modeling for games, 3D printing, and so on. Source are available on Github.
- ArmorPaint - Painting
- AppleSeed - Physically-based global illumination rendering engine
- MeshLab - System for processing and editing 3D triangular meshes
- Armory - 3D Game Engine For Blender
- Babylon.js - WebGL engine
- Filament - PBR engine
- Fusee - C# based engine
- Godot - C++ based 2D/3D realtime engine (PC, console, mobile, HMTL5)
- Neo Axis Engine - NeoAxis Engine is an integrated development environment with built-in 3D and 2D game engine.
- Ogre - Open source graphical rendering engine
- Panda3d - Python based 3d Engine (PC)
- Three.js - WebGL engine
- Procedural GL JS - Based on Three.js, this framework is dedicated to generate a 3D Map experience on a web service.
- Unreal Engine - C++ based 2D/3D realtime engine (PC, console, mobile, HMTL5)
- Darktable - Photography workflow application and raw developer
- dcraw - A tool that decodes any raw image from any digital camera on any computer running any operating system
- CasparCG - Video broadcast
- Natron - Compositing
- Shotcut - Video editing
- Kdenlive - Video editing
- Olive - Video editing
- GStreamer - Multimedia framework
- ffmpeg - A complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video
- DJV | Professional review software for VFX, animation, and film production
- Thekla atlas | This tool performs mesh segmentation, surface parameterization, and chart packing.
- xatlas | Fork from theakla atlas, it's a library to generate an UV for -example- lightmap uv.
- OD CopyPasteExternal - Tool to easily copy/paste a geometry across 3D application like Blender <> 3DS Max <> Maya <> ... <> and more.
- Capsule - Blender addon to export, manage and automate to shared between blender and Unreal/Unity or other realtime engine.
- Glsl Texture - Create textures from Glsl fragment shaders on Blender (2.8)
- UE4 Env. project - An Environment Simulation project for Unreal Engine 4.
- Genetic Drawing - Python library to generate a stylised rendering from an image
- Lucidity - String/filepath templates system inspired by SGTK's template mechanisms
- Fileseq - Frame ranges and file sequences parsing
- gofileseq - A Golang port of the library above
- pyseq - Another Python module for file sequence parsing and serialization
- Clique - Another Python module for file sequence parsing and formatting
- - Qt versions abstraction
- QtWebengine - Render web content in Qt
- NodeGraphQt - Node graph for Qt
- Nodz - Node generator for Qt
- SceneGraph - Ui for scene graph
- Thonside - Python console for Qt apps
- Riffle - A filesystem browser for PySide supporting sequences grouping
- Cross3D - Scene and node management abstraction
- Py3dsMax - 3dsMax API in Python
- CGCmake - CMake modules for CG apps
- PyMEL - Python in Maya Done Right
- mGui - Portable pure-python GUI library for Maya
- minq - Maya query language for speeding up common scene operations
- OpenWalter - USD Plugins Arnold, Houdini, Katana, Maya and USD
- Cortex - Libraries for VFX software development
- ExoCortex for Max 2018 - ExoCortex ported to Max 2018
- Photoshop Python API - Python API for Photoshop.
- Pymiere - Python API for Premiere Pro
- Simplex - Blendshape Solver
- CvWrap - Fast Maya wrap deformer
- Blender Addons - Helpers for Blender
- BlenderGIS - Geo data importer
- Instant Meshes - Remesher
- Rigify - Auto-rigging Addon for Blender
- QHull - Convex hull generator
- MakeHuman - Parametric human character modeling
- Open3D - A Modern Library for 3D Data Processing
- PCL - A standalone, large scale, open project for 2D/3D image and point cloud processing
- Partio - A unified interface that makes it easier to load, save, and manipulate particle files
- OpenSubdiv - A set of open source libraries that implement high performance subdivision surface evaluation on massively parallel CPU and GPU architectures
- Dem Bones - A library for skinning decomposition
- Quadriflow - Convert a mesh to a quadrangulation
- Optimesh - Python library to optimise a triangular mesh, remesh with various algorithms
- mmg - mmg is an open source software for bidimensional and tridimensional surface and volume remeshing
- OpenColorIO (repo) - Unified color environment
- Colour - An open-source Python package providing a comprehensive number of algorithms and datasets for colour science
- OSL - Language to manipulate shaders
- Ptex - A texture mapping system developed by Walt Disney Animation Studios for production-quality rendering
- Alembic - Animations
- ACES - Color management
- Cryptomatte - Accurate object ID mattes
- MaterialX - Materials and look-dev
- OpenEXR (repo) - exceptional image format for visual effects purposes, pioneered by ILM
- OpenEXRid - Object isolation
- OpenImageIO - A library for reading and writing images in many common and VFX related formats
- ImageMagick - Use ImageMagick to create, edit, compose, or convert bitmap images
- OpenCV - An open source computer vision and machine learning software library
- texture-synthesis - Example-based texture synthesis written in Rust
- pfstools - A set of command line programs for reading, writing and manipulating high-dynamic range (HDR) images and video frames
- OpenDCX (repo) - C++ extensions for OpenEXR's "deep" file format
- OpenTimelineIO (repo) - Editorial timeline
- USD - Scenes
- AL_USDMaya - Represent Maya data in Maya, and USD data in USD
- USD Manager - Program designed for lightweight browsing, managing, and editing of Universal Scene Description (USD) files
- OpenVDB (repo) - Volumetric data
- OpenVDB AX - Fast expression language for manipulating OpenVDB files
- Field3D - An open source library for storing voxel data
- Kiko - DCC-agnostic animation curves storage (works between Maya and Nuke, with more DCCs to come)
- Coalition from Mercenaries Engineering (developers of Guerilla Render)
- OpenCue (repo) from Sony Imageworks
- Flamenco from the Blender Foundation
- Plow by Chad Vernon
- CGRU is a CG tools pack that includes AFANASY, a free opensource render farm manager
- Pandora Open-Source Renderfarm-Manager
- Allzpark Based on Rez manager, Allzpark can manage your software to give an specific software, really usefull with old project.
- Kitsu - For small to mid-size studios
- Attract - Production tracking for film makers (Blender Foundation)
- AliceVision - Photogrammetric Computer Vision Framework
- COLMAP - A general-purpose Structure-from-Motion (SfM) and Multi-View Stereo (MVS) pipeline with a graphical and command-line interface
- openMVG - A library for computer-vision scientists and targeted for the Multiple View Geometry community
- Pyblish - A Python framework that brings test-driven development to visual effects and
triple-A game creation
- Blender Pyblish - Blender Addon to integrate the Pyblish framework
- WSL Distribution Switcher - Change the distro behind Windows Subsystem
- Jean-Paul Start - Small (with Ansible-like syntax) launcher with GUI
- AFX - Everyday compositing for Nuke
- Cmt - Various Maya tools
- FTrack Hooks Set of plugins for FTrack
- OnionSkinRenderer - Onion Skin Renderer for Maya
- Palladio - CityEngine Plugin for Houdini
- Wiretap - Manage Flame Wiretap database
- MayaSublime - Run and edit Maya scripts directly from SublimeText
- MariSublime - Run and edit Mari scripts directly from SublimeText
- VEX - Houdini add-on for Sublime Text
- nuke.vim - Run and edit Nuke scripts directly from vim
- MayaCode (repo) - Maya syntax highlighting support, along with autocomplete commands and send code to maya via command port
- MayaPort (repo) - Run Maya code from VSCode
- SendtoMaya - Alternative to MayaPort, serving the same purpose
- MEL Language Syntax (repo) - for syntax highlighting support
- VEX Language Syntax (repo) - for syntax highlighting support
- Blink Script (Nuke) Language Syntax (repo) - for syntax highlighting support
- Pixar USD ASCII Language Syntax (repo) - for syntax highlighting support, courtesy of the folks at Animal Logic
- StudioSysAdmins
- 3DVF
- Houdini Discord
- Blender Discord (French)
- CGWire Slack
- od|force
- Beginning Python For Maya
- Blue Sky Studios Tech Blog
- Digital Video Introduction
- Example of Python scripts for 3D Studio Max, Maya and Blender
- Pipeline Patterns
- Les Fées Spéciales Studio Tech Blog
- Unit Testing in Maya
- cgwiki
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!