
App for my Intercom application

Primary LanguageGo


This is a tiny cmd for my Intercom application.

Install and run

Install the binary

$ make install

check if it is installed

$ customers -h
  customers [OPTIONS]

Application Options:
      --office=              Office location {SF, Chicago, SurryHills, Dublin, London} (default: Dublin)
  -d, --max-invite-distance= The largest distance (km) to invite customer to the office (default: 100)
  -i, --input=               File with customer records (default: all-customers.txt)
  -o, --output=              Output file
      --loglevel=            Logging level for all subsystems {trace, debug, info, error, critical} (default: info)

Help Options:
  -h, --help                 Show this help message

and run it

$ customers
2019-03-10 11:22:03.939 [INF] BSNS: reading customers
2019-03-10 11:22:03.941 [INF] BSNS: inviting customers
2019-03-10 11:22:03.941 [INF] BSNS: sorting customers
2019-03-10 11:22:03.941 [INF] BSNS: writing customers

        ID: 4           Name: Ian Kehoe
        ID: 5           Name: Nora Dempsey
        ID: 6           Name: Theresa Enright
        ID: 8           Name: Eoin Ahearn
        ID: 11          Name: Richard Finnegan
        ID: 12          Name: Christina McArdle
        ID: 13          Name: Olive Ahearn
        ID: 15          Name: Michael Ahearn
        ID: 17          Name: Patricia Cahill
        ID: 23          Name: Eoin Gallagher
        ID: 24          Name: Rose Enright
        ID: 26          Name: Stephen McArdle
        ID: 29          Name: Oliver Ahearn
        ID: 30          Name: Nick Enright
        ID: 31          Name: Alan Behan
        ID: 39          Name: Lisa Ahearn


Hello team)


I decided to not overthink this task, so the code is simple and not optimized.
Optimization makes sense only if there are constraints such as:

  • number of customers
  • runtime limit
  • memory limit
  • output format
  • reading input from a network
  • compressed input file
  • many input files

Stuff to add

  • CI/CD scripts
  • Benchmarks
  • Platform & architecture supporting releases