An application for searching movies by title. Retreving values from omdb (imdb based):${API_KEY}
- Pure latest React application with hooks.
- Build upon a light boilerplate I've created (
- You can search for a movie by it's title, it's updating when you type.
- In order to reduce Api calls - added debounce on every 500 ms for the search value.
Run local with webpack-dev-server
yarn start-dev
Run webpack build
yarn build
Run node webserver
yarn start
Browse for movie-search-app domain deployed on heroku:
- Add Loader state with context / state management
- Currently this app is stateless, in the future, when adding some states, consider caching results in pagination.
- Add tests!
- Wrap application error in a Modal or Notification component
- Handle application and network errors with a shared middleware
- Finish pixel perfect UI
- Add env variables for hosting API_URL in private and not as constants.