
Primary LanguageJavaScript



First drop of the application includes 2 main pages that represent starwars characters. Home page takes you to the list of all characters dividing by pages, and a search box that filters the list when typing. When clicking on a character, you'll redirecting to character page and get all the details of this character (e.g name, height,hair color, skin color, films he/she participat, starships, etc..)

Technical Stack (latest versions)

  • react (latest + hooks)
  • redux (latest + hooks)
  • redux-saga middleware
  • react router
  • webpack-dev-server
  • webpack
  • eslint configuration + prettier
  • sass
  • jest
  • babel
  • reselect

Quick Use

Run locally in dev mode - webpack-dev-server

npm run start

Run in prod mode - a script that runs webpack production mode and a basic node webserver that serves static file (index.html)

npm run start-server

Run tests / test in dev mode (--watch)

npm run test

Project Structure And Standarts

components - reusable components, in the future needs to be in separate repo. containers - Characters page, Character page services - general middlewares, constants and hooks, generic SWAPI api middleware (see explanation above) resources - images, scss.

Each container has a view file, reducer, selectors, constants, api file and custom hooks. Checkout me blog post for explanation of container's structure : https://blog.usejournal.com/react-redux-the-one-with-the-hooks-502f5111a17

Technical Flow

Characters List Page

Pagination - SWAPI api already implemented pagination flow, when requesting a characters list we're receving a json with the results array with a chatacter count, and next + prev http urls. Prev and next requests are being saved in the store and when clicking on their buttons a new getPeople http request is being fired. Search - When typing an input in the search box, saga middleware is catching those events and debouncing it's callback every 500ms in order to decrease unccesary http requests with search query.

Character Details Page

Character data in the store is dividing to primitive data and async data in order to smooth the UX, when clicking on a character it's primitive data will be displaying and http calls will run in the background.

swapi api sagas middleware

Since the structure of SWAPI api returns a pattern of key value pairs that containts either a primitive string as a value or a list of https requests, apiSaga is a generic way to handle this async pattern.

Redux store structure

Nested http calls are a common value in SWAPI api response. Instead of requesting static content that is not changing for each character get request(e.g films, species, vehicles etc), a list of maps is being saved in the store and on every asyn call there is a check for this value in the map. Only if it dosent exist, there's an http request.

  • An http response is being received in a container saga e.g characterSagas, an is being send to a middleware with a container prefix in order to be proccesed and filtered to a primitive response and an asyn response.

  • A primitive response is dispatched with the recieved prefix.

  • An async response is dispatched with the recieved prefix.

  • Container saga is catching the action and sending required fields for this async response, the contianer configurations: store selectors, properties to extract and store related actions for updating.

  • Api saga is proccesing store maps values and excecuting non existing http requests, in the end, fires a fulfilled fetching action which is being consumed in container's view.

This way, you can create new SWAPI feature easily.