CV - Iaroslav Karandashev

Work experience

Jul 2015 – present – Software Engineer, EPAM Systems, Mountain View, CA

Project2: Internal issues management system.
Project Role: Software Engineer
Tasks and Accomplishments
Learned AngularJS to basic level.
Utilized Angular Material collection of components.
Learned Closure JS to basic level.
Created multiple WebDriver tests and fixed several fluky tests.
Keywords: HTML5, JavaScript, GSS, WebDriver, AngularJS

Project1: Platform for rapid creating applications with rich UI components.
Project Role: Software Engineer
Tasks and Accomplishments
Implemented several features for CodeMirror online source editor.
Implemented new landing page.
Fixed several bugs for interactive tutorial.
Utilized trending Material theme.
Created multiple WebDriver tests for complex UI.
Keywords: GWT, Java, HTML5, JavaScript, GSS, WebDriver

Jul 2013 – May 2015 – Software Engineer, Luxoft, Saint-Petersburg, Russia/Bucharest, Romania

Project2: Platform for one of the largest German banks for presenting complex financial information.
Project Role: Software Developer
Tasks and Accomplishments
Customization of several handmade and existing GXT charts: bar charts, donut charts, bubble charts.
Got hands-on experience with GWTP based on MVP pattern.
Keywords: Tomcat, GWT, GXT, GWTP, Git, Java, SVG, GSS, Maven, IntelliJ

Project1: Another platform for the same German bank for presenting complex financial information.
Project Role: Software Developer
Tasks and Accomplishments
Created several dynamic high responsive charts
Got new experience with GWT, JSP, Maven, IntelliJ
Created several complex CSS3 animations
Made performance optimizations for iPad
Keywords: Tomcat, GWT, GXT, GWTP, Subversion, Java, SVG, GSS, Maven, IntelliJ, Java EE, Spring

Jul 2011 – Jun 2013 – Software Engineer, Motorola Mobility, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Project: DreamPark, a platform for a Cable TV and IPTV providers
Project Role: Software Developer
Tasks and Accomplishments
Created Acceptance tests using Selenium
Created SDK tests and Unit tests using JSTestDriver
Created several REST tests for back-end using JMeter
Implemented new server-side features using Spring and Hibernate
Implemented new client-side features for Set-top-boxes using JavaScript
Led R&D project on investigating the ways to present useful information to customer developers (based on Google Chrome Extensions)
Took part in code reviews and pair programming
Shared experience on SVG, Ant and JavaScript in terms of technical seminars
Fixed several bugs in JRuby migrator
Fixed Python pre-commit-check script
Provided trainings on SVG for ITMO university students

Keywords: Tomcat, JSTestDriver, MySQL, H2, MongoDB, Subversion, Java, SVG, GSS, Jetty, Eclipse, Java EE, Spring, Hibernate, Ant, JUnit, JMeter, Scrum, Kanban, HTML, XSD, SQL, HQL

Jun 2010 – Jun 2011 – Senior Front-End Developer, Netrika, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Project2: Stat, an internal statistics server
Project Role: Senior Front-End Developer
Tasks and Accomplishments
Created presentation layer using jQuery plugins jqGrid and Flot
Created REST interface using Django templates
Keywords: JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, Python, Django, jQuery, Git, MongoDB

Project1:, governmental web service
Project Role: Senior Front-end developer Tasks and Accomplishments
Created basic draft of services pages and scripts
Utilized PHP templates for data presentation
Tried out cutting edge CSS3 and HTML5 features to improve pages appearance
Keywords: JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, PHP, Zend Framework, jQuery, Subversion

Dec 2009 – Jul 2010 – Web Developer, Great People company, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Tasks and Accomplishments
Introduced microformats: hCard, hCalendar, and hListing
Updated several websites
Fixed several bugs in a ticket ordering form
Keywords: JavaScript, XHTML, XSLT, CSS, PHP, SQL, WordPress, jQuery, MySQL

Aug 2009 – Oct 2009 – Front-End Developer, Ittilan, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Tasks and Accomplishments
Developed several projects based on SharePoint
Utilized XSL for DataView WebParts customization in SharePoint projects
Utilized CSS and JavaScript to decorate and animate HTML
Keywords: JavaScript, XHTML, XSLT, CSS

Apr 2008 – Jul 2009 – Front-End Developer, SpaceWeb, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Tasks and Accomplishments
Created extension for Firefox (JS+XUL) to reduce the time required for technical support response
Prepared multiple XSL-templates for web hosting control panels
Keywords: HTML, JavaScript, jQuery, XSLT, CSS