Today's Objective: Conway's Game of Life (EASY THIS TIME!)


Last time, Game of Life proved a bit tough for everybody (!!).

I've spent quite a bit of time publishing a new NPM module that will let you build the game of life very easily.

Today's objective : Create a version of the Game of Life using the game engine I've published on npm.

Bonus points

Bonus points will be awarded for:

  • Creating a writable board
  • Speed controls
  • Zoom controls

Rules for the Game of Life

First, watch the first 2 minutes of this video to understand how cool this game really is!

Formal rules

(From Wikipedia)

The game is played on a grid of squares called cells, each cell is black (alive) or white (dead). When people are playing the game, they start by making some dead cells alive. Then the alive cells can make other cells alive or dead because of the rules of the game. The rules are:

Any alive cell that is touching less than two alive neighbours dies. Any alive cell touching four or more alive neighbours dies. Any alive cell touching two or three alive neighbours does nothing. Any dead cell touching exactly three alive neighbours becomes alive.

The way a player sets up the first alive cells starts the game. The first level (generation) is made by using the 4 rules. After the player is done changing the cells, they do the same thing all over again to make the next level. The game is over when all the cells are dead or all the cells are alive or the game is doing the same thing over and over. The Game of Life is Turing-complete.


You must use the game engine I've published on npm. (star it if you like it!)

Other than, you can use any framework. It is completely possible to build this using jQuery. You can use React, Vue, Angular if you wish.


  • Your project must use JavaScript.
  • Your project must be frontend-only.

There are no other restrictions.

Tips for success:

  1. The project is intentionally simple so you can focus on code quality.
  2. The requirements are intentionally minimalistic so you can get as creative as you'd like.
  3. You get a LOT of time for code review comments. So you can win even if you feel your project isn't great, simply on the strength of your code review comments!
  4. Keep in mind, 33% of your score is based on aesthetic appeal! So try to make it look nice.


About John Conway

John Conway (1937-2020) was an English mathematician. He passed away earlier this month at the age of 82. He had many accomplishments. Among those accomplishments, the Game of Life is the most popularly famous.