

  • The tennis booking app allows people to log in and book a court at a specific time and date. They can see what time's are available, and what time's have been taken.
  • MVP Goals: Create a db for all users and booking actions on courts. Have this connect with the react front end and have it work smoothly and look good.
  • Post MVP Goals: Create more functionality like having admin accounts that have the ability to add and delete clinics. Have a section where coach's can post when they are available. They are also able to see different clinics and whose the instructor and whose signed up for them.



Sign In Wireframe Home Page Wireframe Tennis Clubs Wireframe Club Page Wireframe Court Schedule Wireframe Book Court Wireframe Profile Wireframe

Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)


API Endpoint

Server-side routes

courts GET    /courts(.:format)                           					       courts#index
       POST   /courts(.:format)       								       courts#create
 court GET    /courts/:id(.:format)   								       courts#show
       PATCH  /courts/:id(.:format)   								       courts#update
       PUT    /courts/:id(.:format)   								       courts#update
       DELETE /courts/:id(.:format)   								       courts#destroy
       GET    /courts/:court_id/booking/:booking_id/users(.:format)                                    users#index
       POST   /courts/:court_id/booking/:booking_id/users(.:format)                                    users#create court_booking_user 
       GET    /courts/:court_id/booking/:booking_id/users/:id(.:format)                                users#show
       PATCH  /courts/:court_id/booking/:booking_id/users/:id(.:format)                                users#update
       PUT    /courts/:court_id/booking/:booking_id/users/:id(.:format)                                users#update
       DELETE /courts/:court_id/booking/:booking_id/users/:id(.:format)                                users#destroy         
       GET    /courts/:court_id/booking(.:format)                                                      booking#index
       POST   /courts/:court_id/booking(.:format)                                                      booking#create
       GET    /courts/:court_id/booking/:id(.:format)                                                  booking#show
       PATCH  /courts/:court_id/booking/:id(.:format)                                                  booking#update
       PUT    /courts/:court_id/booking/:id(.:format)                                                  booking#update
       DELETE /courts/:court_id/booking/:id(.:format)                                                  booking#destroy
       GET    /courts(.:format)                                                                        courts#index
       POST   /courts(.:format)                                                                        courts#create
       GET    /courts/:id(.:format)                                                                    courts#show
       PATCH  /courts/:id(.:format)                                                                    courts#update
       PUT    /courts/:id(.:format)                                                                    courts#update
       DELETE /courts/:id(.:format)                                                                    courts#destroy
 users GET    /users(.:format)                                                                         users#index
       POST   /users(.:format)                                                                         users#create
  user GET    /users/:id(.:format)                                                                     users#show
       PATCH  /users/:id(.:format)                                                                     users#update
       PUT    /users/:id(.:format)                                                                     users#update
       DELETE /users/:id(.:format)                                                                     users#destroy

Technologies used


Major challenges:

Designing the app as simple as possible and in a fashion that allows for easy scalability


  | Component | Priority | Estimated Time | Actual Time |
  | --- | :---: |  :---: | :---: |
  | Adding Form | H | 3hrs|  |
  | Working with API | H | 3hrs|  |
  | Creating Join Table | H | 3hrs | |
  | Designing Website (CSS) | H | 10hrs | |
  | Connecting Frontend and Backend | H | 3hrs | |
  | Routes | H | 3hrs | |
  | React | H | 10hrs | |
  | Total | H | 35hrs|  |

Component heirarchy

The combination and connections between the different files and directories that interact together to make this app possible.

Repo Structure


|___ app
	|___ models
		|___ application_record.rb
		|___ user.rb
		|___ court.rb
		|___ court_slot.rb

	|___ views
		|___ layouts
			|___ mailer.html.erb
			|___ mailer.text.erb

	|___ controllers
		|___ application_controller.rb
		|___ authentication_controller.rb
		|___ users_controller.rb
		|___ courts_controller.rb
		|___ court_slots_controller.rb

	|___ channels
		|___ application_capable
			|___ channel.rb
			|___ connection.rb
	|___ jobs
		|___ application_job.rb
	|___ mailers
		|___ application_mailer.rb

|___ client
	|___ src
		|___ components
			|___ Header.jsx
			|___ LoginForm.jsx
			|___ RegisterForm.jsx
			|___ Footer.jsx
		|___ services
			|___ api-helper.js
		|___ App.css
		|___ App.js
		|___ index.css
		|___ index.js

|___ db
	|___ seeds.rb
	|___ migrate
		|___ create_users.rb
		|___ create_join_table_courts_users.rb
		|___ create_courts.rb

|___ config
	|___ application.rb      
	|___ cable.yml          
	|___ database.yml       
	|___ environments
		|___ development.rb
		|___ production.rb
		|___ test.rb

	|___ locales
		|___ en.yml
	|___ puma.rb            
	|___ schedule.rb        
	|___ storage.yml
	|___ boot.rb            
	|___ credentials.yml.enc 
	|___ environment.rb     
	|___ initializers 
		|___ application_controller_renderer.rb 
		|___ cors.rb                           
		|___ inflections.rb                    
		|___ wrap_parameters.rb
		|___ backtrace_silencers.rb            
		|___ filter_parameter_logging.rb       
		|___ mime_types.rb
	|___ master.key 
	|___ routes.rb 
	|___ spring.rb