Sample Expo app with e2e tests using detox, jest and typescript
- agrcroblesBarcelona
- brentvatne@expo
- calvinfHayden, ID
- cheung31
- cjjenkinson@trackstack
- cristian-gBarcelona
- danielOverstellar
- DanielMSchmidt@hashicorp
- DeCaelo
- esnekoLatvia
- EvanBacon@expo
- johinsDevColombia
- kaxlenoeYerevan
- leogoncalvesQuinto Andar
- mattfwoodDallas, Texas
- mdhawleyPortland, OR
- meatwallaceMelbourne, Australia
- murrayee@ThoughtWorks
- nitakingAwarefy Inc.
- oieduardorabeloAuckland - NZ
- omicron-dev
- rdiazlugoBerlin, Germany
- reime005Remote, Germany
- rgoulter
- rodmatolaVaultree
- RoryCombeMunich, Germany
- saubanLagos, Nigeria
- t-skgm@jp-apollo-project
- takeshi-mir-w
- thanhtoan1196
- tobiastimm@accenture
- watanabeyulooking for a something
- yairhaimo
- yareyaredesuyo
- yaron1mGoogle
- zaidemad