
AzureQL is node.js package that allows you to query Microsoft Azure resources with SQL syntax

Primary LanguageJavaScript


AzureQL is node.js package that allows you to query Microsoft Azure resources with SQL syntax


npm install azureql


AzureQL needs the following inputs:

  1. appId - ApplicationId of an Azure Active Directory application with permissions to access Azure API
  2. password - The password of the Azure AD app
  3. subscriptionId - the ID of the subscription
  4. tenantId - Get it from the Azure Portal, navigate to Active Directory, Manage / Properties, and copy the Directory ID

Getting started:

var AzureQL =  require ('azureql');

AzureQL.init(process.env.appId, process.env.password, process.env.tenantId, process.env.subscriptionId, () => {
    AzureQL.performQuery('select * from VirtualMachines where name="myVM"', (response) => {

Queryable resources

As of now, supported resources (tables) to query are: VirtualMachines, ScaleSets, ServiceFabrics, CosmosDbs, StorageAccounts, NetworkSecurityGroups, ApplicationGateways, HDInsights, LoadBalancers, Batches, VirtualNetworks, AppServices, Redis, ResourceGroups, ExpressRoutes

More will be added soon.

API structure

All tables, columns and return objects are valid representations of the Azure API object models which you can find here.