
Question marks are displayed in the world map

bharathvaj-ganesan opened this issue · 7 comments

if you are using windows try to install the font like this:

otherwise try to use a different terminal.

I am using linux ububtu. The terminal in the screenshot is builtin one (VS code).

I had a similar issue, sounds like you have to change the font being used from the console. If its consolas, it doesn't have support for some of the special characters being used. I am using the Linux subsystem for windows and I found this guide helpful: aksakalli/gtop#21

jkga commented

for those who are using iterm and experiencing the same issue, you can go to preferences > profiles > terminal and look for Terminal Emulation section. You can change the character encoding and terminal type there. In my case, I'm using xterm-256color.

Worie commented

I struggle to get it to work within the docker conatiner... not sure what fonts are required and how to make sure that the right font is picked up. I've checked multiple threads here that reference this issue, unfortunately none of them seem to be working. Also this: #198 is still open, if anyone has had any luck - you mind sharing? thanks!

Worie commented

I have resolved my issue with this: https://stackoverflow.com/a/41648500/3432106


You might need to see what locales are available on your system - those should always be there on Debian likes

That's great to know @Worie, thanks for sharing.
Would you like to submit a PR update for the README? adding a small new section that suggests this for Docker-enabled applications of blessed contrib?