
C/Python parser for Wiki Creole 1.0 text markup

Primary LanguageCGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

NxCreole Wiki Parser

NxCreole is a parser for Wiki Creole 1.0 text markup (http://www.wikicreole.org/).

The parser is written in C and can be used both directly or as Python extension.
When called from Python it is 10x to 100x times faster than native Python parsers.

License: LGPLv3


Clone source, then execute:

 - python setup.py install
 - python tests/nxcreole_test.py

Or install from PyPi and use in your code:

 - pip install nxcreole
 - import nxcreole
 - print nxcreole.render_xhtml(u'**Hello!**')

Easily customizable. You can override all serialization primitives defined in parser.py
(eg, append_text, append_link, append_table_cell_open, append_paragraph_close,
and so on), by inheriting from nxcreole.CreoleParser class.


NxCreole supports all Creole 1.0 features with the following extensions:

 - Nowiki blocks and spans {{{...}}} can start and end anywhere (within text, in lists,
   table cells). If }}} needs to be included into nowiki-block it has to be escaped by ~}}}.
   If nowiki block has to end with tilde (~), insert newline after tilde; for inline nowiki
   just put tilde outside nowiki block: nowiki~.
 - Nowiki is treated as a block if it has newline characters within it. Block nowikis
   are rendered with < pre > tag, inline nowikis rendered without any additional tags around
   (monospaced font can be turned on by ##).
 - Ordered/unordered lists can be intermixed when nesting (eg, #*#).
 - Support for underlined (__) and monospaced (##) font styles.
 - Quotes (>), indents (:), and centered paragraphs (!). These can be intermixed with lists (*#).
 - Unnumbered lists can be done with minus (-) character as well as with (*).
 - Table cells can span multiple columns (by using multiple pipes in a row: |||).
 - Double minus (--) surrounded by spaces produces n-dash (–).
 - Simplified Mediawiki-style multiline tables ({| ... | ... |- ... | ... |}) to allow 
   structured wiki content within table cells.