
Export SQL tables or queries to files in JSON or Markdown / YAML format. Mainly to use with static site generators like Hugo to generate content from database

Primary LanguageGo

SQL Export

Export SQL tables or queries to file(s) in JSON/Markdown format. Mainly to use with static site generators like Hugo.

sql-export can generate thousands .md files with YAML frontmatter based on content from mysql database in few seconds.

MySQL/MariaDB (default), PostgreSQL and SQLite3 databases are supported. For sqlite3 use filename as DBNAME.


Export SQL query to one JSON list or file

For brevity, we omit database credentials in examples, assume it comes from environment or .env file

$ ./sql-export -q 'SELECT title, price FROM libro LIMIT 2'  
        "price": 170,
        "title": "GLI ARMAROLI MILANESI - I MISSAGLIA E LA LORO CASA. Notizie, documenti, ricordi. - Gelli J., Moretti G. - Hoepli, - 1903"
        "price": 38,
        "title": "LES FUSILS D\u0026#039;INFANTERIE EUROPEENS A LA FIN DU XIX SIECLE. - Sor Daniel. - Crepin-Leblond, - 1972"

Surely, you can redirect to file:

$ ./sql-export -q 'SELECT title, price FROM libro LIMIT 2' > /tmp/books.json

Export SQL to many (one file per record) JSON files

Use -f json and provide template to output filename -o '/tmp/libro/{{.id}}.json'.

$ ./sql-export -q 'SELECT id, title, price FROM libro' -f json -o '/tmp/libro/{{.id}}.json'
$ cat /tmp/libro/123.json 
    "id": 123,
    "price": 45,
    "title": "ALLGEMEINE GESCHICHTE DER HANDFEUERWAFFEN. Eine Übersicht ihrer Entwickelung. Mit 123 Abbildungen und 4 Ubersichtstafeln. - Günther Reinhold. - Reprint Verlag, - 2001"

Export SQL to many markdown files with YAML frontmatter

Use -f md and provide template to output filename -o '/tmp/libro/{{.id}}.md'.

$ ./sql-export -q 'SELECT id, title, price FROM libro' -f md -o '/tmp/libro/{{.id}}.md'
$ cat /tmp/libro/123.md 
id: 123
price: 45
title: ALLGEMEINE GESCHICHTE DER HANDFEUERWAFFEN. Eine Übersicht ihrer Entwickelung.
    Mit 123 Abbildungen und 4 Ubersichtstafeln. - Günther Reinhold. - Reprint Verlag,
    - 2001


Export SQL to many files with any custom template

Provide output filename template (-o) and template (--tpl)

$ cat out-template.html 
id: {{.id}}
title: {{.title}}
price: {{.price}}
$ ./sql-export -q 'SELECT id, title, price FROM libro' -o '/tmp/libro/{{.id}}.txt' --tpl out-template.html 
$ cat /tmp/libro/123.txt 
id: 123
title: ALLGEMEINE GESCHICHTE DER HANDFEUERWAFFEN. Eine Übersicht ihrer Entwickelung. Mit 123 Abbildungen und 4 Ubersichtstafeln. - Günther Reinhold. - Reprint Verlag, - 2001
price: 45

Use JSON as input source (generate markdown files based on json)

To read dataset from JSON, just pass filename as -q parameter.

./sql-export -q libro.json -o '/tmp/libro/{{.id}}.md' -f md


$ ./sql-export --help
Usage of ./sql-export:
  -d string
    	$DBTYPE (default "mysql")
  -f string
    	Format: json or md (markdown with frontmatter) or template (default "template")
  -h string
    	$DBHOST (default "localhost")
  -n string
    	$DBNAME (default "XXXXXX")
  -o string
    	Output filename
  -p string
    	$DBPASS (default "XXXXXX")
  -port int
    	$DBPORT (default 3306)
  -q string
    	SQL query or table name
  -tpl string
    	Template input file
  -u string
    	$DBUSER (default "XXXXXX")
  -v	verbose mode

You may use table name as value to -q. -q tableName equals to -q SELECT * FROM tableName

Database credentials

value key environment default value
database type -d $DBTYPE mysql
database host -h $DBHOST localhost
database port -port $DBPORT 3306 or 5432
database user -u $DBUSER current system user name
database name -p $DBPASS

You can use .env file:



Three different methods.


download precompiled binary from https://github.com/yaroslaff/sql-export from latest release (if your arch is x86_64).

go install

If you have modern golang installed:

go install github.com/yaroslaff/sql-export@latest

Installed (default) to ~/go/bin/sql-export

clone and build from sources

git clone https://github.com/yaroslaff/sql-export
cd sql-export
go build
cp sql-export /usr/local/bin

Post-install test

Optional quick post-install test with sqlite3 db from sample Chinook database:

wget https://github.com/lerocha/chinook-database/raw/master/ChinookDatabase/DataSources/Chinook_Sqlite.sqlite
sql-export -n Chinook_Sqlite.sqlite -d sqlite3 -q Customer


sql-export is written in Go, so it's very fast. I test on database with 57000+ records.

Test time
Export 3 fields of 57k+ records to one (11Mb) json list 0.336s
Export all (40) fields of 57k+ records to one (92Mb) json list 3.102s
Export 3 fields to 57k+ JSON files 5.573s
Export 3 fields to 57k+ md/yaml files 10.869s
Export 3 fields to 57k+ custom template files 4.321s