How To USE GuruShots-auto-Voter
- You will need install node 8+ From Here (All default settings)
- Create folder "AutoVoter" where you want. In my case path - C:\GuruShots
- After install node 8+ (for windnows) run cmd (on keyboard press windowsBtn+r and type "cmd")
- Go to your folder by typing:
cd C:\GuruShots
- Install puppeteer. Type
npm install --save puppeteer
Do not close cmd
- Download GuruShitsAutoLike.js and LoginData.js form this page and put them in that folder
- Open LoginData.js with any editor (i use notepad++) and type your login data and save
- Run script. Type in cmd (note that you need to stay in cmd in your folder)
node GuruShitsAutoLike.js
Done :)
This sript runs "headless" browser chromium login into your account and imitates voting. It will take about 1 minute depending on the on quantity challenges that you have
If you have an error while first launch script just relaunch him