
GuruShots free fills

Primary LanguageJavaScript

How To USE GuruShots-auto-Voter

  1. You will need install node 8+ From Here (All default settings)
  2. Create folder "AutoVoter" where you want. In my case path - C:\GuruShots
  3. After install node 8+ (for windnows) run cmd (on keyboard press windowsBtn+r and type "cmd")
  4. Go to your folder by typing:

cd C:\GuruShots

  1. Install puppeteer. Type

npm install --save puppeteer

Do not close cmd

  1. Download GuruShitsAutoLike.js and LoginData.js form this page and put them in that folder
  2. Open LoginData.js with any editor (i use notepad++) and type your login data and save
  3. Run script. Type in cmd (note that you need to stay in cmd in your folder)

node GuruShitsAutoLike.js

Done :)

This sript runs "headless" browser chromium login into your account and imitates voting. It will take about 1 minute depending on the on quantity challenges that you have

If you have an error while first launch script just relaunch him

If this script comes in handy for you, please give a star ✭ for this repo