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Detect encoding

Text encoding definition class based on a range of code page character numbers.

So far, in PHP v7.* the mb_detect_encoding function does not work well. Therefore, you have to somehow solve this problem. This class is one solution.

Built-in encodings and accuracy:

letters -> 5 15 30 60 120 180 270
windows-1251 99.13 98.83 98.54 99.04 99.73 99.93 100.0
koi8-r 99.89 99.98 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
iso-8859-5 81.79 99.27 99.98 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
ibm866 99.81 99.99 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
mac-cyrillic 12.79 47.49 73.48 92.15 99.30 99.94 100.0

Worst accuracy with mac-cyrillic, you need at least 60 characters to determine this encoding with an accuracy of 92.15%. Windows-1251 encoding also has very poor accuracy. This is because the numbers of their characters in the tables overlap very much.

Fortunately, mac-cyrillic and ibm866 encodings are not used to encode web pages. By default, they are disabled in the script, but you can enable them if necessary.

letters -> 5 10 15 30 60
windows-1251 99.40 99.69 99.86 99.97 100.0
koi8-r 99.89 99.98 99.98 100.0 100.0
iso-8859-5 81.79 96.41 99.27 99.98 100.0

The accuracy of the determination is high even in short sentences from 5 to 10 letters. And for phrases from 60 letters, the accuracy of determination reaches 100%.

Determining the encoding is very fast, for example, text longer than 1,300,000 Cyrillic characters is checked in 0.00096 sec. (on my computer)

Link to the idea: http://patttern.blogspot.com/2012/07/php-python.html


Composer (recommended) Use Composer to install this library from Packagist: onnov/captcha

Run the following command from your project directory to add the dependency:

composer require onnov/detect-encoding

Alternatively, add the dependency directly to your composer.json file:

"require": {
    "onnov/detect-encoding": "^1.0"

The classes in the project are structured according to the PSR-4 standard, so you can also use your own autoloader or require the needed files directly in your code.


use Onnov\DetectEncoding\EncodingDetector;
$detector = new EncodingDetector();
  • Definition of text encoding:
$text = 'Проверяемый текст';
  • Method for converting text of an unknown encoding into a given encoding, by default in utf-8 optional parameters:
$extra = '//TRANSLIT' (default setting) , other options: '' or '//IGNORE'
$encoding = 'utf-8' (default setting) , other options: any encoding that is available iconv

  • Method to enable encoding definition:
  • Method to disable encoding definition:
  • Method for adding custom encoding:
    'encodingName' => [
        'upper' => '1-50,200-250,253', // uppercase character number range
        'lower' => '55-100,120-180,199', // lowercase character number range
  • Method to get a custom encoding range:
use Onnov\DetectEncoding\CodePage;
// utf-8 encoded alphabet
$cyrillicLowercase = 'абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя';
$codePage = new CodePage();
$encodingRange = $codePage->getRange($cyrillicUppercase, $cyrillicLowercase, 'koi8-u'));

Symfony use

Add in services.yaml file:

        autowire: true