Angular directive/filter/service for formatting date so that it displays how long ago the given time was compared to now.
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Timeago setting in Angular 2.0
#99 opened by sondresorbye - 0
- 1
Do I need both JS files from the dist folder?
#97 opened by ianhd - 2
Update the dist folder
#96 opened by raffaelecalza - 0
Disable timeago when printing
#94 opened by dataway - 0
custom formats
#90 opened by shirazSalpo - 4
Firefox reporting NaN for dates
#32 opened by mlabieniec - 6
Timezone aware
#72 opened by patrik7 - 2
Error: Invalid Date toISOString@[native code]
#84 opened by czmarcos - 2
Timezone support
#80 opened by romiem - 4
Failed to instantiate
#81 opened by czmarcos - 1
- 0
Specific time ago with breakpoints?
#77 opened by ux-engineer - 1
Assign class to timeAgo directive base on value being a past or future value.
#71 opened by gorgamore - 0
Add support for moment objects
#78 opened by Maximaximum - 2
Project building for version 0.4.2
#75 opened by fauria - 1
Publish last changes to bower and npm
#74 opened by fauria - 1
- 2
Jumps from 45 seconds to 1 minute
#41 opened by dannyweeks - 4
Injector error sometimes?
#12 opened by pratik60 - 1
Don't run the timeout each second
#49 opened by dirkgroenen - 2
- 3
Easier way to add new languages
#61 opened by astik - 3
use provider to setup settings
#44 opened by fesor - 1
Basic Filter timeAgo not updating
#63 opened by nasr18 - 0
Use $interval instead of $timeout
#58 opened by aheys - 1
tag version 0.2.5
#51 opened by bartrail - 1
Ng-repeat not working well with this
#50 opened by turbobuilt - 5
Time is not being updated
#36 opened by maikelsgit - 2
Will it be cool if there is an option for displaying format date after a given 'timeago'?
#38 opened by ycmjason - 6
Specify node entry point script
#39 opened by Renouveaux - 2
es_LA is not working for me
#33 opened by dsmontoya - 1
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update readme to contain information about API
#16 opened by gruppjo - 1
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release new version including new languages
#15 opened by gruppjo - 0
wrong German translation
#13 opened by gruppjo - 1
angular 1.3 support
#11 opened by vecernik - 2
Update angular to ~1.2
#4 opened by jhkchan - 1
bower.json "main" missing
#6 opened by imolfar - 4