Common data structures written in C.
Linked list:
Add(Node** list, int value)
Delete(Node** list, int keyValue)
Sort(Node* list)
DisplayList(Node* list)
More linked list functions:
CopyList(Node* list, Node** newList)
DeleteRepeated(Node* list)
Queue implementation:
Enqueue(Node** head, Node** tail, int value)
Dequeue(Node** head, Node** tail)
Binary tree implementation:
Add(Node** currentNode, int value)
Search(Node* currentNode, int key)
PrintPreOrder(Node* currentNode)
PrintInOrder(Node* currentNode)
PrintPostOrder(Node* currentNode)
These examples are merely for educational purposes, and they cannot be used in real-life applications as they do not have any defensive-coding techniques.
Deitel, Paul, and Harvey Deitel. C How To Program. 6th ed. Pearson, 2010. Print.