Todo App with Context API and Local Storage

This project is a simple Todo List application built using React, implementing the Context API for state management and local storage to persist the todos even after a page refresh. This allows users to create, read, update, and delete todo items. image


  • Add a new todo item
  • Mark todo items as completed
  • Edit existing todo items
  • Delete todo items
  • Local storage to persist todos

Technologies Used

  • React
  • Context API
  • React Hooks
  • Local Storage


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone

2.Navigate into the project directory:

cd todo-app

3.Install dependencies:

npm install

4.Start the development server:

npm start

5.Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

How to Use

  • Adding a Todo:

    • Type your todo item into the input field.
    • Press Enter or click the "Add Todo" button.
  • Marking a Todo as Completed:

    • Click on the checkbox to mark the todo item as completed.
  • Editing a Todo:

    • Double click on a todo item to enter edit mode.
    • Edit the text and press Enter to save changes.
  • Deleting a Todo:

    • Hover over a todo item to reveal the delete button (X).
    • Click on the delete button to remove the todo.

Implementation Details

  • The Todo state is managed using the Context API provided by React.
  • Todos are stored in the browser's local storage, allowing them to persist across sessions.
  • Use of React Hooks (useState, useContext, useReducer) for managing state and actions.
  • Components are structured in a reusable and maintainable way for easy scaling.