
Complaint Management System on Ruby On Rails

Primary LanguageRuby


This application is built for complaint management system.


  • Clone the Repo:
    $ git clone "https://github.com/yash-m-agarwal/ComplaintSys-RoR"
  • Change directory into the folder named ComplaintSys-RoR

  • Install all the gems

    $ bundle install
  • Make migrations, Seed data into the database and Run the test server
    $ rake db:migrate
    $ rake db:seed
    $ rails server
  • The above steps starts the development server on localhost:3000. Go to http://localhost:3000/ in your browser. It will automatically redirect you to the login page. Accordingly Signup or Login.

Views Implemented:

  • Base Url: http://localhost:3000

Authentication Views

  • /login

    • GET Request
    • Returns a login form to authenticate the user. After authentication it redirects the user to a DashBoard.
      • / route_url if user is a normal user. Where all the complaints generated by the user can be seen with a option Delete Complaint to delete a particular complaint. At the end a link /complaints/new to add more complaints is provided.
      • /complaints if user is admin. Where all the complaints generated by all the user can be seen. Each complaint has link Update Complaint /complaints/:id to update the status of the complaint.
  • /signup

    • GET Request
    • Return a signup to create a new user.

Complaint Views

Only normal user who complaints has access privileges to these views.

  • /

    • GET Request
    • All the complaints pertaining to a user can be seen. With a option of Delete Complaint to delete a complaint DELETE at /complaint/:id redirects to /.
  • complaint/new

    • GET Request
    • Generates a form to file a complaint. After submitting the complaint it generates a POST request which redirects to /.

Only the admin user who resolves the complaints has the access privileges to these views. Apart from admin no one else can access this views.

  • /complaint

    • GET Request
    • Returns all the complaint objects if you are a resolver.
  • /complaint/:id

    • GET Request
    • Returns a complaint with :id and a Edit option to update it's status. To be updated by the admin.
  • /complaint/:id/edit

    • GET Request
    • Returns a complaint with :id and a form to update the status of the complaint.
  • complaint/:id

    • POST Request
    • Updates the status of the complaint and gets redirected to this URL.

Database Schema:

There exists a one-to-many relationship between the User and a Complaint


  • Title
  • Description
  • Status
  • CreatedOn
  • User (Foreign Key)


  • First_Name
  • Last_Name
  • Email
  • Password
  • Reference to User


  • Yash M Agarwal