
File upload task for fossee

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


This application allows the user to upload multiple files to the database. Also allows to view and download those files using Document Viewer.


  • Clone the Repo:
    $ git clone "https://github.com/yash-m-agarwal/task2_file_upload"
  • Create the virtual environment and actiavte
    $ virtualenv -p python3 venv
    $ source venv/bin/activate
  • Change directory into the folder named task2_file_upload

  • Install all the project dependencies

    $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Make the database migrations
    $ python manage.py migrate
  • Run the Server
    $ python manage.py runserver
  • The above steps starts the development server on localhost:8000. Go to http://localhost:8000/ in your browser.

Configuring MySQL database:

The following segment guides how to use Mysql database

Configuring MySQL with the project(Linux)

  • Install mysql and setup
    $ sudo apt-get update
    $ sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev mysql-server libmysqlclient-dev
    $ sudo mysql_secure_installation
  • Install the django mysql depedencies(First activate the virtual environment)
    $ pip install mysqlclient
  • Configure MySQL database
IN settings.py
Give appropriate values to the USER and PASSWORD fields, supply the ones you used to setup the mysql installation
Leave the NAME field as it is. This field is the name of the Database to use.
  • Create the database of the same name as in the NAME field above. Assuming you left the field as it is with the name 'FileUploadDb' type the following in the terminal :
    $ sudo service mysql start
    $ mysql -h -u :username -p

:username is the username you provided during the mysql setup. If left as default it will be 'root'. The above command will prompt for a password as well. Provide the password used during the mysql setup

  • To create the database (named FileUploadDb)
    > CREATE DATABASE FileUploadDb;

Using SHOW DATABASES Command your created database will appear in the list of databases

  • To use this database, again migrate
    $ python manage.py migrate
  • Run the Server
    $ python manage.py runserver

Views Implemented:

  • Base Url: http://localhost:8000

  • /files

    • GET Request
    • Retrieves all the data objects of the Data Model.
    • For each data object it displays the data title, description, Uploaded date and a link to a File at the top. This details are displayed in a card.
    • When clicked on the File link a new window pops up. Which displays the file in the viewer. User can then accordingly Download and View the document
    • Also a link is present at the bottom named View all files which redirects to /file/<pk>.
  • /file/<pk>

    • It displays the all the file objects uploaded from the File Model whose Data Field has primary key of :pk.
    • Since, every file object has a data model associated with it. So, it retrieves all the files with that Data Field as a Foreign Key. It implements using the reverse-relationship.
    • When clicked on a File object link new window pops up. Which displays the file in the viewer. User can then accordingly Download and View the document
    • Two buttons are present at the bottom.
      • Add a new file this link redirects to file/new
      • All files this link redirects to /files
  • /file/new

    • It renders a form.
    • In the form user can enter title, description an Can upload files.
    • A add_button (+) is provided which allows user to add more files from the local computer.
    • All the added files are appended at the bottom of the Added Files Table.
    • When the user clicks on the Create button a POST request is generated to the same url which uploads all the files.
    • It generates a AJAX call to the backend.

    • Every time user clicks on add_button(+) the file is appended to a list which is present in the frontend.

    • When the user clicks on CREATE, those list storing files is passed to the backend along with title and description.

    • For each file in the list a new File object is generated and a single Data object is generated which is passed as a foreign key to all the files object.

    • Button is present at the bottom named All Files this link redirects to /files

Database Schema:

There exists a one-to-many relationship between the Data Table and the File Table


  • Title
  • Description
  • Flagship file
  • Uploaded at
  • Reference to File


  • File
  • Data (Foreign Key)