
Welcome to the Hate Crime Analysis project, a Tableau Story that provides valuable insights into crime patterns and issues across the United States. Through four engaging dashboards, this project explores various aspects of crime, including hate crimes, offender profiles, human trafficking, and an overview of the project's background and objectives.

Tableau Public Link: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/yash.makadia/viz/USCrimeAnalysisDataVis/Story1

Data Overview

The data for this project was sourced from two datasets obtained from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

Hate Crime Dataset: The Hate Crime Statistics dataset consists of 226,000 rows and 28 columns, with a size of 4.57MB. It provides annual statistics on reported crimes motivated by bias against the victim's perceived race, gender, gender identity, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or ethnicity. The data captures information on incidents, offenses, victims, and offenders.

Human Trafficking Dataset: The Human Trafficking dataset contains 3,099 rows and 19 columns, with a size of 83.3KB. It includes data on offenses related to commercial sex acts and involuntary servitude. The dataset encompasses information on offenses and arrests recorded by state and local agencies that report this crime to the national UCR Program. The collection of Human Trafficking data by the UCR Program began in 2013.

These datasets serve as the foundation for the insightful visualizations and analyses presented in the project. Users can access the datasets at the following link: Download Datasets

Dashboard 1: Crime Overview

The first dashboard offers a comprehensive overview of crime in the USA. It highlights the increasing trend of hate crimes in recent years and presents the total number of crime incidents, providing an understanding of the scale of criminal activities. Additionally, it showcases the victim count over time, revealing the impact of external factors such as COVID-19 and unemployment on crime rates. A chart provides a breakdown of crimes by category and subcategory, emphasizing crimes against people and property.

Dashboard 2: Offender Profiles and Patterns of Hate Crimes

The second dashboard focuses on the profiles and patterns of hate crime offenders. Through compelling visualizations, it highlights incidents that expose rising hate crimes fueled by divisive ideologies. It explores racial, gender, religious, and disability biases in different states. The dashboard also sheds light on initiatives by the FBI and its collaboration with organizations like the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) to address hate crimes effectively.

Dashboard 3: Human Trafficking

The third dashboard sheds light on the disturbing issue of human trafficking, also known as modern-day slavery. It reveals that Texas has the highest number of reported human trafficking cases and provides an overview of the Trafficking Elimination Index. The dashboard showcases the increasing trend of human trafficking over the years, compares the actual count of cases to the cleared count, and highlights the top 15 states involved in human trafficking. It further delves into offense subcategories such as Commercial Sex Acts and Involuntary Servitude. To combat human trafficking, the National Human Trafficking Hotline number is provided.

Dashboard 4: Data Overview and Project Summary

The fourth dashboard offers an overview of the data used in the project, including its source from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). It provides a data overview, summarizing the datasets obtained and their key characteristics. The dashboard also includes background information about the project's objectives and summarizes the key findings. This section concludes with summary recommendations based on the insights gained from the project's analysis.

By exploring this Tableau Story project, users will gain valuable insights into crime analysis across the United States. From understanding the rise in hate crimes to exploring offender profiles and patterns, as well as examining the issue