
TechTalkers is a web platform designed to empower individuals in the tech community to showcase their expertise through a social portfolio of talks given at various conferences. It also serves as a resource hub for learning the art of public speaking in tech and provides a curated list of Call for Proposals (CFPs) from around the world.


For a detailed walkthrough and demo of the Anon web app, check out our YouTube video:

TechTalkers Demo


1. Talk Profile

  • User Profiles: Individuals can create profiles where they list the talks they have given, including details such as the number of talks, niche topics, and conferences attended.

  • Visibility and Credibility: TechTalkers encourage & helps Women in tech & newcomers in tech to build their visibility and credibility within the community.

2. Learn Section

  • Step-by-Step Guide: The Learn section provides a comprehensive, step-by-step guide and resources for individuals looking to get started with public speaking at tech conferences.

  • Specialized Chat Bot: Powered by Gemini AI, the chatbot assists learners by answering queries, providing guidance on filling out CFPs, and offering general advice on public speaking.

3. CFP Section

  • Latest CFPs: The platform features a CFP section where users can browse the latest Call for Proposals from tech conferences worldwide.

  • Direct Application: Users can apply to conferences directly through the platform, streamlining the process of submitting proposals.

4. Connect with Speakers

  • Speaker Discovery: Organizers searching for speakers in tech can easily discover profiles of speakers around the world, specifically in niche tech areas.

  • Contact Speakers: TechTalkers facilitates direct communication between event organizers and speakers, enabling seamless collaboration for upcoming conferences.

How to Get Started

  1. Create an Account: Login to TechTalkers and create your personal profile.

  2. Build Your Talk Portfolio: Add details about the talks you've given & your niche topics.

  3. Explore the Learn Section: Access the Learn section for a step-by-step guide on getting started with public speaking. Engage with the specialized chatbot for personalized assistance.

  4. Browse Latest CFPs: Check out the CFP section to explore the latest opportunities to speak at tech conferences globally.

  5. Connect with the Community: Build connections with other conf speakers and conference organizers to enhance your visibility in the tech community.

Technologies Used

  • Frontend: Next.js
  • Backend: Node.js, Express
  • Database: MongoDB
  • Authentication: Clerk
  • AI Chat Bot: Powered by Gemini AI