
This is a Discord bot built using Python. You can get information about the upcoming matches, scoreboard, live score, and many more things through this.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is a Discord bot built using Python. You can get information about the upcoming matches, scoreboard, live score, and many more things through this. Use the command "!help" on the Discord after doing all the below-given steps. to use this bot, you would need Python installed on your pc, and you would need a code editor, for example, vs. code

  1. you need to download the code as a zip file
  2. extract the folder from the zip file and open it in vs. code
  3. After that, go to https://discord.com/developers/applications/ and create a bot from here. After making a bot, you would find your bot's id, copy it in notepad.


4.add the bot to your discord server, then go back to vs. code open index.py file and replace "#" with your bots id and then you need to copy your general channels id and replace it with #general channels id, and that's it now run the code and enjoy