Deep Reinforcement Learning - Homework 2

General Notes: (1). Entire codebase is in file. (2). This script only takes the environment name as input from command line. (3). All other parameters are set within the script at the time of initializing the DQN_Agent() class.


Running Linear QN for CartPole and no experience replay: On line 371 set "self.model_type='linear_dqn'" On line 372 set "self.train_type='no_replay_memory'" python --env=CartPole-v0

Running Linear DQN for MountainCar and no experience replay: On line 375 set "self.train_type='no_replay_memory'" On line 376 set "self.model_type='linear_dqn'" python --env=MountainCar-v0

Whenever replay experience is not used. We do the training of network in a stochastic fashion (one sample at a time, no mini-batch).


Running Linear QN for CartPole and with experience replay: On line 371 set "self.model_type='linear_dqn'" On line 372 set "self.train_type='use_replay_memory'" python --env=CartPole-v0

Running Linear DQN for MountainCar and with experience replay: On line 375 set "self.train_type='use_replay_memory'" On line 376 set "self.model_type='linear_dqn'" python --env=MountainCar-v0

Wheneve replay experience is use. We do the training of network at mini-batch level. Batch size is kept as 32 always.


Running Deep Q-Network for CartPole with no experience replay: On line 371 set "self.model_type='dqn'" On line 372 set "self.train_type='no_replay_memory'" python --env=CartPole-v0

Running Deep Q-Network for CartPole and with experience replay: On line 371 set "self.model_type='dqn'" On line 372 set "self.train_type='use_replay_memory'" python --env=CartPole-v0

Running Deep Q-Network for MountainCar and no experience replay: On line 375 set "self.train_type='no_replay_memory'" On line 376 set "self.model_type='dqn'" python --env=MountainCar-v0

Running Deep Q-Network for MountainCar and no experience replay: On line 375 set "self.train_type='use_replay_memory'" On line 376 set "self.model_type='dqn'" python --env=MountainCar-v0

Wheneve replay experience is use. We do the training of network at mini-batch level. Batch size is kept as 32 always. Whenever replay experience is not used. We do the training of network in a stochastic fashion (one sample at a time, no mini-batch).


Running Dueling DQN for CartPole with no experience replay: On line 371 set "self.model_type='ddqn'" On line 372 set "self.train_type='no_replay_memory'" python --env=CartPole-v0

Running Dueling DQN for CartPole and with experience replay: On line 371 set "self.model_type='ddqn'" On line 372 set "self.train_type='use_replay_memory'" python --env=CartPole-v0

Running Dueling DQN for MountainCar and no experience replay: On line 375 set "self.train_type='no_replay_memory'" On line 376 set "self.model_type='ddqn'" python --env=MountainCar-v0

Running Dueling DQN for MountainCar and no experience replay: On line 375 set "self.train_type='use_replay_memory'" On line 376 set "self.model_type='ddqn'" python --env=MountainCar-v0

Wheneve replay experience is use. We do the training of network at mini-batch level. Batch size is kept as 32 always. Whenever replay experience is not used. We do the training of network in a stochastic fashion (one sample at a time, no mini-batch).


Running image based DQN for SpaceInvades with experience replay: python --env=SpaceInvaders