- Can register new Manufacturer
- Can see registered manufacturer
- Can see deployed contracts
- Can register new Product Batch
- Can register new Wholesaler
- Can Request Product Certification
- Can see registered Product Batch Contracts
- Can see registered Wholesaler
- Can see Certificate Inventory with status of each certificate
- Can Approve or Reject certifiaction request
- Can see certification requests from manufactureres
- Can buy from market
- Can register new Retailer
- Can see product inverntory
- Can see products available for sale in market
- Can see registered Retailer
- Can see Recieved and Sent Invoices for product
- Can see Sent Purcahse Requests for product
- Can buy from market
- Can see product inverntory
- Can see products available for sale in market
- Can see Recieved Invoices for product
- Can see Sent Purcahse Requests for product
0. Developer Interface: Gateway to all other interfaces
1. Committee Interface: Committee registers two manufacturers A Industries & B Industries
2_1. Manufacturer Interface: Manufacturer A Industries requests for certifiaction of product (HCL & H2SO4)
2_2. Manufacturer Interface: Manufacturer B Industries requests for certifiaction of product (HCL & H2SO4)
2_3. Certifier Interface: Certifer accepts & rejects requests by setting production limits as shown
3_1. Manufacturer Interface: Manufacturer A Industries registers a new batch of product as shown
3_2. Manufacturer Interface: Manufacturer B Industries registers a new batch of product as shown
4_1. Manufacturer Interface: Manufacturer A Industries registers a new Wholsaler X Chemicals
4_2. Manufacturer Interface: Manufacturer B Industries registers a new Wholsaler Y Chemicals
5_1. Wholesaler Interface: Wholesaler X Chemicals can see products sold by all manufacutrers
5_2. Wholesaler Interface: Wholesaler Y Chemicals can see products sold by all manufacutrers
5_3. Wholesaler Interface: Wholesalers buys nessasary batches of product they need
6_1. Manufacturer Interface: Manufacturer A Industries can see its Recieved Purchase Requests and it Approves the purcahse requests
6_2. Manufacturer Interface: Manufacturer B Industries can see its Recieved Purchase Requests and it Approves the purcahse requests
6_3. Wholesaler Interface: Wholesaler X Chemicals can see its Sent Purchase Requests and its status [Approved]
6_4. Wholesaler Interface: Wholesaler Y Chemicals can see its Sent Purchase Requests and its status [Approved]
7_1. Wholesaler Interface: Wholesaler X Chemicals can see its Recieved Invocies which it pays
7_2. Wholesaler Interface: Wholesaler Y Chemicals can see its Recieved Invocies which it pays
7_3. Manufacturer Interface: Manufacturer A Industries can see status of its Sent Invocies [Paid]
7_4. Manufacturer Interface: Manufacturer B Industries can see status of its Sent Invocies [Paid]
8_1. Wholesaler Interface: Wholesaler X Chemicals registers a new Retailer P Labs with subset of owned profduct batch contracts
8_2. Wholesaler Interface: Wholesaler Y Chemicals registers a new Retailer P Labs with subset of owned profduct batch contracts
9. Retailer Interface: Retailer P Labs can see products sold by wholesalers who have registered it with allowed products
10_1. Wholesaler Interface: Wholesaler X Chemicals can see its Recieved Purchase Requests and it Approves the purcahse request
10_2. Wholesaler Interface: Wholesaler Y Chemicals can see its Recieved Purchase Requests and it Approves the purcahse request
10_3. Retailer Interface: Retailer P Labs can see its Sent Purchase Requests and its status [Accepted]
11_1. Retailer Interface: Retailer P Labs can see its Recieved Invocies which it pays
11_2. Wholesaler Interface: Wholesaler X Chemicals can see status of its Sent Invocies [Paid]
11_3. Wholesaler Interface: Wholesaler Y Chemicals can see status of its Sent Invocies [Paid]