
A drug regulation system involving multiple stakeholders which keeps track of drug's supply chain and gives restricted drugs to consumers after proper authorization. System makes use of smart contracts implemented on ethereum network.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


UI Interfaces

Developer Interface: Gateway to all other interfaces.

Committee Interface: Interface for Regulatory Committee.

- Can register new Manufacturer
- Can see registered manufacturer
- Can see deployed contracts

Manufacturer Interface: Interface for Product Manufacturer.

- Can register new Product Batch
- Can register new Wholesaler
- Can Request Product Certification
- Can see registered Product Batch Contracts
- Can see registered Wholesaler
- Can see Certificate Inventory with status of each certificate

Certifier Interface: Interface for Product Certifier.

- Can Approve or Reject certifiaction request
- Can see certification requests from manufactureres

Wholesaler Interface: Interface for Product Wholesaler.

- Can buy from market
- Can register new Retailer
- Can see product inverntory
- Can see products available for sale in market
- Can see registered Retailer
- Can see Recieved and Sent Invoices for product
- Can see Sent Purcahse Requests for product

Retailer Interface: Interface for Product Retailer.

- Can buy from market
- Can see product inverntory
- Can see products available for sale in market
- Can see Recieved Invoices for product
- Can see Sent Purcahse Requests for product

Supply Chain flow

Developer Interface 0. Developer Interface: Gateway to all other interfaces

alt text 1. Committee Interface: Committee registers two manufacturers A Industries & B Industries

alt text 2_1. Manufacturer Interface: Manufacturer A Industries requests for certifiaction of product (HCL & H2SO4)

alt text 2_2. Manufacturer Interface: Manufacturer B Industries requests for certifiaction of product (HCL & H2SO4)

alt text 2_3. Certifier Interface: Certifer accepts & rejects requests by setting production limits as shown

alt text 3_1. Manufacturer Interface: Manufacturer A Industries registers a new batch of product as shown

alt text 3_2. Manufacturer Interface: Manufacturer B Industries registers a new batch of product as shown

alt text 4_1. Manufacturer Interface: Manufacturer A Industries registers a new Wholsaler X Chemicals

alt text 4_2. Manufacturer Interface: Manufacturer B Industries registers a new Wholsaler Y Chemicals

alt text 5_1. Wholesaler Interface: Wholesaler X Chemicals can see products sold by all manufacutrers

alt text 5_2. Wholesaler Interface: Wholesaler Y Chemicals can see products sold by all manufacutrers

alt text 5_3. Wholesaler Interface: Wholesalers buys nessasary batches of product they need

alt text 6_1. Manufacturer Interface: Manufacturer A Industries can see its Recieved Purchase Requests and it Approves the purcahse requests

alt text 6_2. Manufacturer Interface: Manufacturer B Industries can see its Recieved Purchase Requests and it Approves the purcahse requests

alt text 6_3. Wholesaler Interface: Wholesaler X Chemicals can see its Sent Purchase Requests and its status [Approved]

alt text 6_4. Wholesaler Interface: Wholesaler Y Chemicals can see its Sent Purchase Requests and its status [Approved]

alt text 7_1. Wholesaler Interface: Wholesaler X Chemicals can see its Recieved Invocies which it pays

alt text 7_2. Wholesaler Interface: Wholesaler Y Chemicals can see its Recieved Invocies which it pays

alt text 7_3. Manufacturer Interface: Manufacturer A Industries can see status of its Sent Invocies [Paid]

alt text 7_4. Manufacturer Interface: Manufacturer B Industries can see status of its Sent Invocies [Paid]

alt text 8_1. Wholesaler Interface: Wholesaler X Chemicals registers a new Retailer P Labs with subset of owned profduct batch contracts

alt text 8_2. Wholesaler Interface: Wholesaler Y Chemicals registers a new Retailer P Labs with subset of owned profduct batch contracts

alt text 9. Retailer Interface: Retailer P Labs can see products sold by wholesalers who have registered it with allowed products

alt text 10_1. Wholesaler Interface: Wholesaler X Chemicals can see its Recieved Purchase Requests and it Approves the purcahse request

alt text 10_2. Wholesaler Interface: Wholesaler Y Chemicals can see its Recieved Purchase Requests and it Approves the purcahse request

alt text 10_3. Retailer Interface: Retailer P Labs can see its Sent Purchase Requests and its status [Accepted]

alt text 11_1. Retailer Interface: Retailer P Labs can see its Recieved Invocies which it pays

alt text 11_2. Wholesaler Interface: Wholesaler X Chemicals can see status of its Sent Invocies [Paid]

alt text 11_3. Wholesaler Interface: Wholesaler Y Chemicals can see status of its Sent Invocies [Paid]