
In this project, following things were done to build a Hotel Booking and Recommender System :

  • I have taken hotel data from a json file. It contained basic identifying fields but those very not enough for making a recommender. So, I created some pseudo data about the facilities provided by the hotels and their price.
  • I created a few users who can book a hotel or save the draft of their details if they want to pay later.
  • Navigation bar contains tabs such as Home, Booking, signup, login, user dashboard, admin section , Recommended.
  • Under Booking sections user will be able to view all the list of hotels and he can book a room in one of them.
  • Under user dashboard section we can view the drafts. User is also able to view previous bookings under dashboard section. Before making a payment , user gets the option to save details and pay later.
  • In admin section , the administrator can view all the bookings done by different users and can also perform user check-out.
  • Under recommended section, user will be able to view recommended hotels. User will also see recommended tag to those hotels which are recommended to him under booking section.

Quick Start :

Existing user info and admin info

  • In this project I have already created some users and a admin user.You can create new users yourself.You can view status of existing users and admin dashboard using the information given below :
  • Admin Username : 123456789 Admin Password : 123asd
  • User-1 Username : 123 Password : 123
  • User-2 Username : 456 Password : 456