Assignment-2-WebDesign-Yash Nahata

Assignment-2-WebDesign-Yash Nahata

HTML and HTML5 Controls Used

  1. <meta>: Sets character encoding and viewport settings for the webpage.

  2. <link>: Links to external resources such as stylesheets, icon files (favicon.ico), and more.

  3. <title>: Defines the title of the webpage, displayed in the browser tab or window.

  4. <header>: Represents the header section of the webpage, typically containing a site title or logo.

  5. <nav>: Defines a navigation menu, typically used for site navigation links.

  6. <ul> and <li>: Create an unordered list and list items, often used for navigation menus.

  7. <a>: Creates hyperlinks to other web pages or resources.

  8. <section>: Defines sections within the webpage, often used to structure content.

  9. <p>: Represents a paragraph of text.

  10. <h1>, <h2>: Headings used to structure and label sections, with <h1> being the highest level.

  11. <footer>: Represents the footer section of the webpage, typically containing copyright information.

  12. <img>: Embeds images into the webpage.

  13. <figure> and <figcaption>: Group an image (<img>) and provide a caption for it (<figcaption>).

  14. <form>: Creates a form for user input.

  15. <table>: Defines an HTML table structure, often used for displaying tabular data.

  16. <button>: Creates clickable buttons for user interaction.

  17. <audio>: Embeds audio content, allowing playback directly within the webpage.

  18. <video>: Embeds video content, enabling video playback within the webpage.

  19. <summary>: Defines a summary for a <details> element, typically used for expanding and collapsing content.

  20. <menu>: Represents a list of commands or links, often used in conjunction with a <button> to create a dropdown menu.

  21. <tel>: Specifies a telephone number as a link, allowing users to initiate a phone call when clicked.

  22. <mailto>: Specifies an email address as a link, enabling users to open their default email client to send an email.