

Front end mobile client for Jangle cross-platform chat application built with Flutter and

To view, visit the application bundle and install at your device

Codemagic build status

Table of contents

Built with

Flutter Flutter


Follow these simple steps to run project locally:

  • Change the backend server's endpoint url in file lib/services/socketio.dart and lib/services/httpRequests.dart to your backend server's url.

    • In socketio.dart
    import 'package:socket_io_client/socket_io_client.dart' as IO;
    final String baseSocketServerUrl = ''; // <======= Here, put your backend server url
    class SocketIo {
    • In httpRequests.dart
    class HttpRequests {
    String baseURL = ''; // <======= Here, put your backend server url
  • Install all the dependencies by running

    flutter pub get

App preview



  • When creating/selecting chat from new conversation page, the home screen doesn't gets updated, either for addition or for selection.
  • Upgrading UI and animations
  • Adding personal info part and ability to edit firstName and lastName.
  • Implementing search functionality.
  • Implementing paging of chat messages
  • Implementing chat user's details page.
  • Implementing read-messages
  • Implementing last seen / online
  • Implementing message sending time.
  • Implementing message deletion if the message is sent my current user.