
Iconic-news website made with React and a news data API is a web-based platform that displays news articles from various sources. The website is built using React it allows for efficient and dynamic updates to the content displayed on the website. It utilizes a news data API, which allows it to access and retrieve news articles from various sources

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Iconic News with React

Overview 📋

1.A React news website made with React and a news data API is a web-based platform that displays news articles from various sources. The website is built using React, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, which allows for efficient and dynamic updates to the content displayed on the website. The website utilizes a news data API, which allows it to access and retrieve news articles from various sources in real-time.

2.The website has an interactive design, which allows users to easily navigate and interact with the content. Users can browse articles by category, search for specific topics, and access detailed information about each article. The website also features a loading animation, which informs the users that their request is being processed and the articles are being retrieved from the API.

3.Additionally, the website has the ability to show the latest news and updates, and it can be filtered by keywords, sources, and categories. The website also uses a pagination system to display multiple articles at a time and allows users to navigate through them. The goal of the website is to provide a seamless and user-friendly experience for accessing news articles from various sources in one place and it also can increase the user engagement.📚


GPLv3 License

Installation 📦

Clone or download this repository to your local machine.

1.Install all the libraries mentioned in the [package.json]

  $ npm i

2.Then run the react server by

  $ npm start


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Algorithm For Recommendation

1.Users visit the website and are presented with a landing page that displays a selection of the latest news articles.

2.Users can browse the articles by category, such as politics, sports, entertainment, and so on.

3.When a user clicks on an article, they are taken to a detailed page that displays the full article, along with related articles and images.

4.The website makes API calls to a news data API to retrieve and display the latest news articles in real-time.

5.The website also uses a loading animation, which informs the users that their request is being processed and the articles are being retrieved from the API.

6.The website uses React to dynamically update the content displayed on the website in response to user interactions and API calls.

7.The goal of the website is to provide a seamless and user-friendly experience for accessing news articles from various sources in one place and to increase user engagement.

Project Screenshots 📷


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Drawer of website

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Browse by Categories

to Top animation button