
This repository is related to DSA .

Primary LanguageC


Hacktober fest 2022

To do :Add any hand codded code related to DSA to this repository

Details in linkedlist.c

Overview of the content in the file linkedlist.c


  1. stdio.h
  2. stdlib.h


  1. node

Function Used

  1. create() Used for creating nodes
  2. display() Used for showing the elements in linked list
  3. insertbeg() Inserting new element at the first position of linked list
  4. insrtend() Inserting new element at the last position of linked list
  5. count() Count the number of elements at that time
  6. delbeg() Deletion from the front of the linked list
  7. delend() Deletion from the back of the linked list
  8. posdel() Deleting element by the given position
  9. posinsert() Inserting new element at given position