
Multimodal Image translation with a BicycleGAN implemented from scratch. Added additional ability to guide generated outputs using CLIP.

BicycleGAN schematic from Toward Multimodal Image-to-Image Translation (Zhue et al.)

Diverse Outputs after applying our BicycleGAN on Edges2Shoes

CLIP Guided BicycleGAN Outputs

BicycleGAN allows us to generate diverse outputs given an image in the input domain. However, how do we get output images according to our own specifications? For example, if we want the model to output a white shoe, can we explicitly specify this via text? We show that this is indeed possible, using CLIP to search BicycleGAN's latent space. We were able to achieve this for a wide variety of prompts, post-hoc, without having to modify the weights of the model.

Color Based Prompts

Texture/Material Based Prompts

Prompts with Fine Details

Please see the notebook and report for more details! You may also check out our video. (final_project_video.mp4)

Running the Code

The notebook has been set up so that it can be run from the top sequentially.

Please upload the provided checkpoint file as well into the /content directory. You can find it here:

Please make sure that a GPU is accessible as some sections of the code are GPU dependent