Variational Auto Encoders, GAN, and CycleGAN Implementation using Pytorch

This project demonstrates a detailed implementation of Variational Auto Encoders (VAE), Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN), and CycleGAN from scratch using Pytorch. It includes comprehensive explanations, parameter tuning processes, and extensive results visualization.

Table of Contents

VAE Implementation

VAE Idea

VAE Architecture

VAE Model plots

VAE Model Qualitative Anlaysis

GAN Implementation

GAN Idea

GAN Architecture

GAN Plots

GAN Results

CycleGAN Implementation

CycleGAN Idea

CycleGAN Plots

CycleGAN Qualitative Results

Report and Analysis

For a detailed understanding of the parameter tuning process and in-depth analysis, refer to the Project Report.

© 2023 [Yash Agrawal]