[NeurIPS 2023 Spotlight] Code for "Contrastive Lift: 3D Object Instance Segmentation by Slow-Fast Contrastive Fusion"
- bpiyushUniversity of Oxford
- chenyingshuHKUST
- DaoyiGTechnical University Munich
- DerrickWang005The University of Sydney
- flrngel@Ainbr
- fly51flyPRIS
- gbliaoPeking University
- georgegu1997University of Toronto
- guomc9Zhejiang University
- iamwilliamli
- Just5D
- lu-m13Intel Labs China
- lucascassianoArtificial inc. / MIT - Media Lab
- lyndonzhengVGG, University of Oxford
- mch5048ECE. Seoul National University
- mfeldman143Energy Pager
- msocko420
- mxhsnowy
- noelshin
- PhucNDAVinAI Research
- RecreateMyself
- Runsong123CUHK, CSE
- sangminkim-99Seoul National University
- shawLyuHKU, ZJU, HIT
- ShreJais
- SleepyLin
- Sm0kyWu
- smellslikemlSmellsLikeML
- StarRealManThe Hongkong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)
- vevenomÉcole des ponts
- wx-bRIOS
- yashbhalgat@Yash-DPhil-Research, @Qualcomm-AI-Research @voxel51, @princeton-vl
- yejun688PhD Candidate
- yemaedahrav@microsoft
- yotofu
- YuePanEdward