
Simple multi-player tic tac toe app written using vanilla JS.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Simple Tic Tac Toe using Javascript

This project helps on embracing the following: Variables and Data Types:

Storing player names, game states, scores, and the current player. Using arrays to represent the game board. DOM Manipulation:

Selecting elements from the HTML (e.g., cells, buttons, score displays). Adding, removing, or toggling CSS classes. Modifying element content. Responding to events (clicks, etc.). Functions:

Structuring code by breaking down tasks into functions (e.g., initializing the game, handling cell clicks, checking for a win). Control Structures:

Using loops, like for or forEach, to iterate over cells or winning combinations. Conditional statements (if/else) to determine game outcomes or player turns. Events:

Handling and responding to user interactions, such as cell clicks or button presses. Adding and removing event listeners. Arrays and Array Methods:

Representing the game board and storing the state of each cell. Utilizing methods like forEach, every, and fill. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) (optional):

If you decide to structure your game using classes, you'll dive into creating classes, instances, methods, and properties. Ternary Operator:

This can be used for short conditional checks, like toggling between players. Algorithmic Thinking:

Coming up with the logic to check for a winning combination or a draw situation.

Working Demo
