Sentiment Analysis with Streamlit

This is a simple Streamlit web application for sentiment analysis. Given a piece of text input, the app calculates sentiment scores and determines whether the sentiment is positive, negative, or neutral. It also displays an emoji corresponding to the sentiment.

Formula Used

The sentiment analysis is performed using the following formula: Polarity Score = (Positive Score - Negative Score) / (Positive Score + Negative Score + 0.000001)


  • Positive Score is the count of positive words in the text.
  • Negative Score is the count of negative words in the text.

The Polarity Score represents the overall sentiment of the text, ranging from -1 (extremely negative) to 1 (extremely positive).

Libraries Used

The project utilizes the following Python libraries:

  • TensorFlow: For tokenization and text processing.
  • Streamlit: For creating the web application interface.
  • Pandas: For data manipulation and analysis.
  • Altair: For data visualization.
  • GitPython: For interacting with Git repositories.
  • Others: Various utility libraries for string manipulation, file handling, and data processing.

For the complete list of dependencies, refer to the requirements.txt file in the project repository.