
"AI-Enhanced Product Photoshoot Visuals and Filter"

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Generative AI for Visual Tasks

This repository contains a Jupyter Notebook (task-1.ipynb) that demonstrates the use of Generative AI and image classification techniques for various visual tasks. The notebook covers the following topics:

1. Generative AI for Visuals

In this section, the notebook showcases the use of Stable Diffusion, a state-of-the-art generative AI model, for generating images from text prompts. The code includes:

  • Installation of required libraries (accelerate, diffusers, and keras_cv)
  • Loading and configuring the Stable Diffusion model
  • A function to generate images from text prompts
  • Example usage of the image generation function with the prompt "Car"
  • Plotting the generated images using matplotlib

2. Product Recognition (Image Classification)

This section focuses on image classification using pre-trained models like EfficientNetV2B0 and MobileNetV2. The code includes:

  • Loading the pre-trained EfficientNetV2B0 model for image classification
  • Functions for preprocessing and classifying images
  • Example usage of the classification functions on the previously generated images
  • Commented code for using the MobileNetV2 model for classification

3. Exclusion of Non-Relevant Images

In this section, the notebook provides a mechanism to filter out images that do not contain any of the specified target products. This ensures that only relevant visuals are processed and enhanced. The code includes:

  • A function find_target_products that searches for the target products in the classification results
  • Example usage of the find_target_products function with a target product "sports_car"


To use this notebook, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Install the required dependencies (accelerate, diffusers, keras_cv, tensorflow, numpy, pandas, and matplotlib).
  3. Open the task-1.ipynb notebook in your preferred Jupyter environment.
  4. Run the notebook cells to execute the code and explore the different sections.

Note: Due to the large size of the pre-trained models and computational requirements, some cells may take a significant amount of time to execute, particularly on systems with limited resources.


I have used the help of LLMs like Claude and ChatGPT for this.