
This repository contains the Hostility Detection dataset for Hindi language used in the shared task at Constraint@AAAI 21 workshop. For more details about the shared task please visit: https://constraint-shared-task-2021.github.io/

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This is the official repository for Hostile Post Detection in Hindi language. This dataset was used in the shared task at Constraint@AAAI collocated with AAAI 2021.

The Dataset paper can be found here: https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.03588

For more details about the shared task please visit: https://constraint-shared-task-2021.github.io/

The competition was hosted at CodaLab, for more details please visit: https://competitions.codalab.org/competitions/26654

The shared task consisted of two sub-tasks:

  i.  Coarse grained Hostility Detection: The task is to predict whether a given post is hostile or not.
  ii. Fine-grained Hostility Detection: The task is to detect one or more hostile dimensions which the post belongs to. The four hostile dimensions are fake, hate, defamation, and offensive

A total of 44 teams participated in the competition. The final leaderboard can be found here

By downloading you agree to use the datasets for research purposes only and cite the below paper:

@misc{bhardwaj2020hostility, title={Hostility Detection Dataset in Hindi}, author={Mohit Bhardwaj and Md Shad Akhtar and Asif Ekbal and Amitava Das and Tanmoy Chakraborty}, year={2020}, eprint={2011.03588}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CL} }