
PoC: NestJS. Serverless Framework. DynamoDB. Azure Functions.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

NestJS Serverless App

This is a proof-of-concept app which utilizes the following projects/technologies.

Primary Tasks for PoC


Technology Progress
NestJS PoC Done
Serverless PoC Done
CosmosDB Not Started

Secondary Tasks for PoC

  • docker-compose - It would be good to have it for local development.
    • This would be a good alternative since serverless offline does not support hot-reload (at least the way it's implemented right now in this repo). This should consider the use of offline CosmosDB?
  • CosmosDB - Add support in serverless YAML file resources section?
  • Swagger/openapi - Investigate how to auto-generate it with decorators, etc. (We should not think about maintaining it manually).
  • Stages - Configure various deployment stages like dev, stg, prd.
  • Routing - Configure domain routing, etc. via serverless resources (we do not need terraform if we can do all config via serverless YAML.)
  • CircleCI - Add CI/CD support.
  • DynamoDB trigger -> GCP BigQuery (or AWS redshift) for Data Analysis
  • SMS auth (encrypt phone number if possible) - Please investigate only the encryption part, auth will be taken care of by Primary Tasks.


$ npm install

Running the app

# development
$ npm run start

# watch mode
$ npm run start:dev

# production mode
$ npm run start:prod

Running the app in serverless offline mode

$ npm run sls-offline


# unit tests
$ npm run test

# e2e tests
$ npm run test:e2e

# test coverage
$ npm run test:cov