
In this project I have explained about django forms

Primary LanguagePython

Django Forms

The Detailed explanation for Django Forms is on YouTube

Steps to run the django project

  1. Clone this project and upen the project filder in the Terminal.

  2. Create the virtual environment using commad python -m venv env.

  3. To activate environment you can perform command given below

  4. After activating environment run command to install all requirements run command pip install -r requirements.txt

  5. Agter installing all the packages run 2 command given below

    python manage.py makemigrations
    python manage.py migrate
  6. Now, it is veru important to create super user and to create that you need to perform command python manage.py createsuperuser and provide all the details asked after running that command.

  7. Now Finally run the server by performing command python manage.py runserver.