
In This project i have created simple TODO project in which i have used Reactjs frontend, javascript as backend, firebase as database, material-ui as CSS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Getting Started with Create React App

I have removed firebase config code due to security reasons

To create Firebase data base

  • go to firebase
  • Go to console
  • Create new project and name it "todo-app"
  • In left section under Develop you will see "Cloud Firestore" go there and create database name as todo-app
  • Go to serrings > Project Serrings > scroll down and you will se Firebase SDK snippet in that go to config and copy whole code from thare and paste in firebase.jswhere i have comented

To Run Project

We need to Install all the packages

Run below command

npm install // To install packages used in this project

After above command simply run

Run below command

npm start // To start dev server

This Project is live host