
Deployment Steps


Updating the project


Project Setup

Follow these given steps to set up and run this project on your local machine:

  1. Clone this Repository:
git clone https://github.com/Indra-Capital/kuber_trading_engine_nodejs
  1. Run cd kuber_trading_engine_nodejs

  2. Install NPM packages

npm install
  1. Create an .env file in the root directory and add all the entries given in .env.sample file

  2. Run the server

npm run listen

About logz.io

Logz.io is an end-to-end cloud monitoring service built for scale. It’s the best-of-breed open source monitoring tools on a fully managed cloud service.


npm install logzio-nodejs


To send logs on logz.io, we need to create an account on https://logz.io and get the token.

const logzLogger = require("logzio-nodejs").createLogger({
   protocol: "https",
   host: "listener.logz.io",
   port: "8071",


In our application,we have created a logger class and add four different methods to log different type of messages. Every method get the message as an argument and use logzLogger.log(payload) to send the logs on logz.io.

info - log general application data.

error - log any type of error message.

debug - log data or message for debugging purpose.

warn - log warning message.

The structure of payload in our app is:

const payload = {
  env: this.stage,
  source: this.loggerName,
  message: message,

we need to provide different type of level to every method. For example - we have given level:"info" to info method of logger class.

We use these class methods to log any type of message in our application.

How to create Report on Logz.io

  • To create a report on logz.io, we need to create a dashboard on logz.io.

  • We can create a dashboard by navigate to dashboard tab given below discover tab and choose any type of visualization.After choosing the visualization we need to create a bucket and save the dashboard.

  • After saving the dashboard, we can click on Create report button given on top to create a report.

  • On create report page provide some details like Report-Name, description, choose dashboard, when_to_send_it, Time-zone and Recipients.

When_To_Send_It : This field is used to provide the details of time to send the report to Recipients.

Recipients : Provide an email or endpoint on which we want to receive the report.

Steps to create visualisation for Trade pairs per exchange.

  • Navigate to Visualisation tab given below the discover tab in logs menu
  • Add field to the index on which we need to add visualisation
  • On visualisation page, click on create visualisation
  • Choose the visualisation type.
  • For Trade pair per exchange, we chose “Vertical Bar”
  • After choosing visualisation type, we need to setup the metrics and buckets.
    • Metric aggregations are used to calculate a value for each bucket.
    • Bucket aggregations groups documents together in one bucket according to your logic and requirements.
  • For Trade pair per exchange,
    • we chose “MAX” metrics aggregator and symbolCount as a field value.
    • In bucket aggregator, we configure X-axis by choosing aggregator as term, exchange Name as a field. We also create a sub aggregator to split series. For that we chose the aggregator as term and add symbolCount as Field. For sub aggregator, we choose the size = 1.

Code Overview

The following code is executed when the app initializes:

(async () => {
  try {
    let arbStrategyInstance = await new ArbStrategy(
    await arbStrategyInstance.start(checkForArbitrage);
  } catch (error) {
    console.log({ error });
  1. new instance of ArbStrategy class is created, with all the ExchangeClass instances and all the actions
  • this new instance has the following code in it's constructor
    constructor(PriceOracleExtended: any[], actions: { [key: string]: any[]}) {
      this.PriceOracleExtended = PriceOracleExtended
      this.orderBookPriceMap = {};
      this.allTradePairsExchangeMap = {};
      this.commonSymbolMap = new Map();
      this.instance = (async () => {
        await this.getAllTradePairs()
        return this;
      return this.instance
  • the PriceOracleExtended is an array of PriceOracle class instances of all the exchanges
  • the orderBookPriceMap is nested object which gets updated on recieving data from ws streams of any exchanges
  • it looks like this:
            ASK_PRICE: '',
            BID_PRICE: '',
            ASK_QUANTITY: '',
            BID_QUANTITY: '',
            ASK_PRICE: '',
            BID_PRICE: '',
            ASK_QUANTITY: '',
            BID_QUANTITY: '',
            ASK_PRICE: '',
            BID_PRICE: '',
            ASK_QUANTITY: '',
            BID_QUANTITY: '',
            ASK_PRICE: '',
            BID_PRICE: '',
            ASK_QUANTITY: '',
            BID_QUANTITY: '',
  • the allTradePairsExchangeMap is an object which maps each exchange with list of trade pairs that it has
  • it looks like this:
  • the commonSymbolMap is an js Map which maps each TRADE_PAIR in it's exchange specific format with it's standard format
  • it looks like this:
  1. getAllTradePairs method of this instance is called
  • this method first creates the allTradePairsExchangeMap by calling the getTradePairsList method on each PriceOracle instance from PriceOracleExtended.
  • then it calls the createCommonSymbolMap method of ArbStrategy class
  • the createCommonSymbolMap method creates the commonSymbolMap and also the initial strucutre of orderBookPriceMap
  • it then updates the allTradePairsExchangeMap where now the each exchange has an object as value with mapping of it's trade pairs to their standard format, which looks like this:
  • this method also sanitizes the list of trade pairs which we'd then subscribe to, and then goes back to update all the data structures allTradePairsExchangeMap, commonSymbolMap, orderBookPriceMap with updated trade pairs list.
  1. listenArbitrageStream method is called on ArbStrategy class, which then calls the listenStream method from ArbStrategy base class
listenArbitrageStream = () => {
    checkForArbitrage // this is the function which recieves the ask and bid prices and check for %age difference, controlled by ARBITRAGE_THRESHOLD_PERCENTAGE env variable
  • the listenStream method of ArbStrategy class loops through PriceOracleExtended array,
  • calls the subscribeOrderBookDataForAllTradePairs method on each PriceOracle instance - this method sends a subscription request to the respective trade exchange for each of it's trade pairs, and then calls the getMessageStream method after all the trade pairs arre subscribed
  • getMessageStream method is a method on PriceOracle base class which listens to messages (price updates) from all the subscriptions through the ws.onmessage method of ws instances.
  • after calling the subscribeOrderBookDataForAllTradePairs on each PriceOracle instance, the setHandler method is called on each PriceOracle instance with a string orderbookhandlerMethod (which is the name of key against which the orderBookData is present in the ws data stream, different fro every trading exchange) and a callback,
  • the string and the callback is set as a key value in a data structure called as handlers,
  • handlers is Map data structure in the base class PriceOracle,
  • the ws.onmessage method goes through the handlers data structure on every message update from ws, and based on string in ws stream, it calls the respective callback