
Wrapper on LDAPjs to allow for easy auth with almost 0 config.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Authenticate LDAP using JS

Wrapper on ldapJS to abstract a lot of things away, built specifically for COEP.


  • Download this entire folder into your project as is, yes including the node_modules
  • Import and use as:
const { authenticatePromise: authenticate } = require("./ldap_auth_js"); // Or whatever you name it

// Promise API
authenticate(mis, password)
  .then(() => console.log("Correct"))
  .catch(err => console.log("Inorrect, Error", err));

// async/await
async function foo() {
  try {
    await authenticate(mis, password);
  } catch (err) {
    console.log("Inorrect, Error", err);

// with returnData
authenticate(mis, password, { returnData: true })
  .then(ldapData => console.log("Correct", ldapData))
  .catch(err => console.log("Inorrect, Error", err));

// and so on for async / await


  • authenticate(mis, password, options)
Name Type Description
username String LDAP Username
password String LDAP Password
options Object Object for configuration
  • options
Name Type Default Value Description
url String "ldap://" LDAP URL (don't edit)
returnData Boolean false Return data that is fetched by LDAP. If True, promise is resolved with the data, else an empty promise is resolved
baseSearchString String dc=coep,dc=org,dc=in Base String to search
dataCheck String | Function "coep" Default behaviour is to enable COEP level checks, for custom checks, pass a callback (username, password) => boolean, to skip this step, pass null.
timeout number 1000 Default value to wait for a query to return
connectTimeout number 1000 Default value to wait for client to connect to the LDAP Server
  • Errors thrown (all of them are strings) (defined inconstants.js)
    Error String What it implies
    INCONSISTENT_INPUT Failed the input checks passed by dataCheck, default implementation in `utils.js
    TIMEOUT_ERROR Time Out Error for a query
    CONNECT_TIMEOUT_ERROR Time Out for connecting to ldap server
    SEARCH_ERROR Search API failed
    UNEXPECTED_ERROR Self explanatory


  • For COEP, this code needs to be run from inside the college network.