
An online voting app through which voters can vote in ongoing elections created by election commission authority. Only verified voters will be able to vote and the verification will be done in app by the Election commission authority. The Election candidates will be able to enroll for the election.

Primary LanguageJava


An online voting app through which voters can vote in ongoing elections created by election commission authority. Only verified voters will be able to vote and the verification will be done in app by the Election commission authority. The Election candidates will be able to enroll for the election.

Functions Available:

  • Voter
    • Login
    • Register
    • Upload Details
    • Update Details
    • Vote in an Eletion
    • View Results
    • Logout
  • Candidate
    • Login
    • Register
    • Upload Details
    • Update Details
    • Enroll for an Election
  • Election Commission Authority
    • Login
    • Create an Election
    • Review Voters
    • Review Candidates
    • End Elections
    • Logout