
Listsy is a simple 'Node-Express' to-do list app.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Listsy is a simple 'Node-Express' to-do list app.


Architecture Used

A simple MVC (Model-View-Control) architecture was used for making this app. More about this architecture can be found at https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/mvc-design-pattern/

Technology Stack and Dependencies

The following technology stack was used to make Listsy


  • NodeJS
  • EJS (Templating Engine)
  • MongoDB


  • Express
  • Mongoose

How to run?

Running this app is fairly simple. The following steps need to be followed.

  1. Clone the project and navigate to the project directory.
  2. Run npm install to install all the dependencies.
  3. Replace the MongoDB URL and Schema Name with your details in the Control.js file in 'control' folder.
  4. Run the node server.
  5. Access it from the localhost at 3000 port and /listsy route.

This app can also be deployed on the web by using manual server coding or by using pre-configured services like Heroku, etc.

Created by Yash Dekate.