Tazmeet is a fully-fledged video conferencing platform designed to cater from small to large-scale meetings or broadcasts.
- Handles upto 100 users in a single meeting.
- Works by generating unique meeting codes and allowing only people entering the correct code to enter the meeting.
- Offers different roles like Administrator, Panelists, and Audience for the meeting with different levels of control
- Administrator - Is able to mute the audience and panelists (both video and audio), remove or add people, promote or demote users between different roles.
- Panelists - Is able to do everything except for having moderator controls like muting audio / video, promoting / demoting, etc.
- Audience - Is only able to listen and should be muted by default unless promoted to higher roles.
- Has common meeting features like toggling audio or video, raising hands, screen sharing, a question panel, and ending a call.
- Go to the Firebase Console and create a new web project.
- Go to Project Settings → Service Accounts → Generate Private Key.
- Create a
folder insideweb
folder. - Store the Private Key file inside the secret folder.
- Set the proper paths in Server.php, Client.php, Audience.php, and question.php.
- In the Firebase Console, go to Project Settings → General.
- Copy the Firebase Configuration information.
- Paste it in Moderator.php, SeverJS.js, ClientJS.js, and AudienceJS.js in the commented areas.
- Go to Vonage Video API Website and create an account.
- Create a New Project → Vonage Video API.
- Get the API and Secret Keys.
- Paste these in Server.php, Client.php, Audience.php, and removeUser.php in the commented areas.
- Fire up the localhost using WAMP or XAMPP servers.
- Go to the Moderator page and create a meeting and generate the meeting code.
- Share the code with the joinees.
- Go to the Client page and choose the role to join with.
- Join the meeting by entering the correct meeting code.
Created by Yash Dekate.