
A list of behavioral topics. Relevant to marketing, product management, influence & leadership

The following list is collected from my library of product management best practices, tips, how-tos, and case studies. The first release is restricted to behavioral topics; future releases will expand this doc to include more technical topics.

Some links (only a few) include a list of bullet points from the article. I expect this feature to be included in the future.

Behavioral topics have considerable overlap. I expect to revise these categories based on your feedback.

Enjoy! Brian Piercy bjpcjp@gmail.com @brianpiercy


How to Seize Attention - from a Sideshow Barker

Attention Theories

Grabbing Attention - and Holding On to It

How to REALLY Pay Attention

  1. overlooked-object scavenger hunt
  2. single-color scavenger hunt
  3. spot something new every day
  4. change perspective
  5. reframe the familiar
  6. walk with an expert
  7. talk to a stranger
  8. let a stranger lead you
  9. take a day-long walk through an unfamiliar part of town
  10. poeticize the irritating
  11. look slowly
  12. look slowly (really slowly)
  13. look repeatedly
  14. repeat your viewpoint
  15. just listen
  16. soundmaps
  17. follow the quiet
  18. don't look at your phone
  19. misuse a tech tool
  20. care for something


How to Build your Attitude Muscle

The Principles of Adult Behavior

The Three Types of Specialists Needed for Any Revolution


How Belief Works - Some Theories


How to avoid cognitive biases when you get paid to think

The Most Common Cognitive Biases, Visualized

Which Cognitive Bias is Making NFL Coaches Predictable?

Take the Other to Lunch (TED)

18 Types of Mental Mistakes Caused by Cognitive Bias

How Cognitive Biases Affect Your Decisions

A Cognitive Bias Cheat Sheet

Why too much evidence can be a bad thing

Biases and Blunders


The Best Article on Bragging - Ever


12 Influence & Charisma Tactics

8 Ways to be Uber-Charismatic

The Anatomy of Charisma

Who Wouldn't Want to be More Charismatic?

The Tricks to Make Yourself Effortlessly Charming

8 Body Language Tricks that are Hard to Master, but will Pay Off Forever

charity | chivalry

The Principle of Charity

Rules for a Knight - a Timeless Guide

How to Be Polite


The Paralyzing Effect of Choice


What Makes People Collect Things?

coolness, desire, envy

The Science of Snobbery

Why is Art Expensive?

Save it for Later: Bookmarking Apps and the Wish Economy

How to Manufacture Desire

The 4-Letter Code to Selling Just About Anything

The Neurological Pleasures of Fast Fashion

The Psychology of a Fanboy: Why You Keep Buying the Same Stuff


Precommitment: Burning Bridges as a Strategic Decision



(self) confidence

Everybody Experiences Imposter Syndrome

Self-Appointed Geniuses


A Guide to Curating Controversial Content



How to Use the "Equal Odds" Rule

The Psychology of Limitations


Good & Bad Organizations

If You Do Something, STAND For Something

How to Scale a Company's Culture

Building a Culture


Identify Leaders by Giving People Assignments

The Complete Guide to Delegation for Leaders

Turn the Ship Around

Turn the Ship Around (Google Doc summary)

Be a Minimally Invasive Manager


Missing the Point about Failure

Scott Adams: Fail at Everything


The Science of Familiarity


What are Personality "Archetypes"?

The Seven Triggers of Fascination


The Essential Guide to Difficult Conversations

Have the Courage to Be Direct

The Key to Giving & Receiving Negative Feedback


The Great CEO Within

Awesome Leading & Managing List (GitHub)

How An Ancient Chinese War General Would Run Your Startup Better

Servant Leadership: Tastes Great. Less Filling.

Leadership Lessons from the Boston Red Sox

Lincoln's Principles of Leadership

U.S. Army Engineer School Commandant's Reading List

Eight Common Traits of Uncommon Product Leaders

Tribal Leadership

Why Should Anyone Be Led By You?

Unintuitive Things I've Learned About Management

Seven Leadership Lessons from a SEALs Commander

The Golden Rules of Leadership

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell (Book Summary)

Managing Two People Who Hate Each Other

4 Leadership Types that can Destroy a Perfectly Good Strategy

Solitude & Leadership

25 Timeless Leadership Lessons that Just Plain Work

13 Life Lessons from Paris' Red Light District

Google's Quest to Build a Better Boss

Real Leaders Don't Do Focus Groups

loyalty & trust

Loyalists vs. Mercenaries

Ten Techniques for Building Trust with Anyone

Authentic leadership

Willful Disobedience & the Character Traits of Independent Thinkers

How Darknet Sellers Build Trust

getting things done

8760 Hours: A Framework

Henry Rollins on Defining Success

Things that are NOT progress

Scott Hanselman's Productivity Tip Sheet

GTD in 15 Minutes: A Programmatic Guide

Do Something Small. Every Day.

grit, hustle

A Dozen Lessons from Anthony Bourdain

Navy SEALs, grit & resilience

The Invention of Sliced Bread

The Hustler's MBA


Transform Your Habits, v2 (pdf)

Hooked (Book Summary)

Made to Stick (Book Summary)

The Fastest Way to Improve Your Life

Hacking Habits to Make New Behaviors Stick

How to Stop Checking Your Phone

Finding that One Tiny, Addicting Behavior

The Toothbrush Test


Accidental Leadership

Fixing the "Smartest Person in the Room" Issue

The Manager Who Kept a Six-Year Diary of her Mistakes


Knowing When to Shut Up

How to Get an MBA from Eminem

Google: You Don't Need Power to Drive a Strategy

Influence Tactics: A Taxonomy

The Four Components of Influence

The Nine Primary Tactics Used to Influence Others

Moving Your Agenda Forward

You're Already More Persuasive than You Think

A/B Testing as a Surprisingly Effective Management Tool

Nudge (Book summary - slideshare)

The Tipping Point (book summary)

50+ examples of Robert Cialdini's 6 Principles Of Influence

23 Psychological Life Hacks to Gain an Advantage


Find a Top Performer Every Time with These Interview Questions

The Best Interview Question I've Ever Heard

Meta-analysis: the Best Interview Questions to Spot Ideal Employees


Getting People to Like You


Learning - Faster & Better

21 Learning Methods (a little fuzzy for me, but...)

mental models

Mental Models: The Best Way to Make Intelligent Decisions (109 Models Explained)

Useful Mental Models

Mental Models I Find Repeatedly Useful

13 Mental Models Every Founder Should Know

  1. regret minimization
  2. idea mazes
  3. schlep blindness
  4. jobs to be done
  5. min viable product
  6. confirmation bias
  7. product mkt fit
  8. 100 people love
  9. AARRR
  10. Network effects
  11. Economies of scale
  12. Disruption
  13. Triangles of success


Mentors are the Secret Weapon of Successful Startups


The Elephant In the Brain (Book Outline)

Reiss' 16 Human Needs

Spark: a Book Summary

How to Mentor a Perfectionist

Theories of Motivation

A Crash Course in Human Motivation

Managing the Invisibles


Stalin at Yalta: Tips from the Master

Never Split the Difference (Chris Voss) (Book Summary)

James Altucher's Negotiation Cheat Sheet

Six Hostage Negotiation Techniques

How to Negotiate with a Liar

How to Negotiate with Someone More Powerful than You

How to Negotiate Like a Car Salesman (Eeew.)

Ask a Hostage Negotiator: How to Ask for a Raise

When Should You Accept an Exclusive Deal?

How to Deal with Difficult People

The Best Way to Win an Argument


42 Personality Archetypes - and How to Sell to Them

A Handbook of Persuasion Techniques

14 Time-tested Writing Techniques

"Too Much Evidence" Backfiring

Persuasion Tips for Product Managers

How to be the Most Persuasive Person in the Room

How to Persuade Anyone, of Anything, in 10 Seconds

The Seven Triggers of Web Design

Favorite Pop Psychology Books, 2012

The "But You Are Free To..." Technique

The Wishpond Guide to Conversion Optimization

How to Sell Anything: Aristotle & the Ancient Art of Persuasion

15 Psychological Triggers

30 Conversion Optimization Tactics

The Psychology Behind Costco's Samples

How Grocery Bags Manipulate Your Mind

Why People Buy Perception - Not Reality

"Get Them to Say No"

How a Preview Image Increased Conversions by 359%

19 Psychological Sales Hacks

The 20 Best Lessons from Social Psychology

Product Leadership Rules to Live By From My Experience at Pandora

power | respect

The 48 Laws of Power - Summary

How to Get Respect

The Best Management Memo - Ever


How to Focus & Make the Best Move When There Are No Good Moves

What a Football Coach Taught me About Product Management

prospect theory

What is Prospect Theory?


How to Get Promoted on Merit, Not Hubris


Why Rhyming Makes Your Message More Persuasive


How Artificial Scarcity can Boost Desire

The Science of Scarcity

Pliny the Elder: a Case Study of Scarcity Marketing

signaling | communicating

Mixed Signals: Why People Misunderstand Each Other

Carl Braun on Communicating Like a Grown-Up

social proof

The Most Important Selling Factor

The Power of Customer Testimonials

4 Social Proof Techniques for E-Commerce

Social Proof Factors

(public) speaking

Pro Tip: Block Your Talk

Public speaking for Introverts

spinning & subterfuge

The Master of Spin

How Asian dating sites cracked the code


How to Be a Stoic


YouTube Toy Unboxing - is a Thing


Symbols that Can't Last Forever