
Decentralised twitter using #EOS blockchain

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Decentralised twitter, will let you to tweet to Blockchain,EOS.Every tweet you make be on open blockchain.

alt text


  • firstly install docker
  • install Eos docker image
  • install mongodb image

Eos docker

Docker pull & run

docker pull eosio/eos:v1.4.2`
docker run --name eosio \
  --publish 7777:7777 \
  --publish \
  --detach \
  eosio/eos:v1.4.2 \
  /bin/bash -c \
  "keosd --http-server-address= & exec nodeos -e -p eosio --plugin eosio::producer_plugin --plugin eosio::chain_api_plugin --plugin eosio::history_plugin --plugin eosio::history_api_plugin --plugin eosio::http_plugin -d /mnt/dev/data --config-dir /mnt/dev/config --http-server-address= --access-control-allow-origin=* --contracts-console --http-validate-host=false --filter-on='*'"

to check if running

docker logs --tail 10 eosio

Make alias Add this to the end of bash.rc file

alias cleos='docker exec -it eosio /opt/eosio/bin/cleos --url --wallet-url'

Strat & stop docker

docker start eosio
docker stop eosio

Docker mongo

Docker pull & run

docker pull mongo:4.0

docker run --rm --name mongo_blog_container -d -p mongo:4.0

Check if running

docker logs mongo_blog_container --follow

Setup a development directory

select your preferred dir location and create dir

mkdir contracts
cd contracts

take a note of absoulte path


now CONTRACTS_DIR = your pwd output

EOSIO Contract Development Toolkit - CDT

git clone --recursive https://github.com/eosio/eosio.cdt --branch v1.3.2 --single-branch
cd eosio.cdt
sudo ./install.sh

Create wallet and import keys

create wallet

cleos wallet create --to-console

This will create default wallet , this will echo a wallet secret key.Which will be used to unlock wallet in future.Save this Master password

wallet open and list, gives list of wallets

cleos wallet open

cleos wallet list

wallet unlock

cleos wallet unlock

Create development public key

cleos wallet create_key

now this will be listed in your wallet to check use ** cleos wallet keys**

Take note that YOUR_PUBLIC_DEPLOYMENT_KEY = key genrated above

Import Eosio private key This key is need to bootstrap the chain and create accounts

cleos wallet import

import this private key 5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3

Create contract account

cleos create account eosio blog YOUR_PUBLIC_DEPLOYMENT_KEY 

blog is the account where we will deploy our smart contract

Compile and set contract


copy the blog folder fromthe github repo to this directory.

Change the dir to blog folder and compile the cpp file, this will generate wasm,abi files.


eosio-cpp -o blog.wasm blog.cpp --abigen

Setting contract

cleos set contract blog CONTRACTS_DIR/blog -p blog@active

this will push the contract to the eos blockchain running locally

Create user account

Lets create a actual user who tweets to the Eos network,

cleos create key --to-console

this above will give you pub and private keys,save these some where

USER_PUB_KEY = above genrated public key

USER_PRIV_KEY = above generated private key

cleos create account eosio yaman USER_PUB_KEY 


make sure your give npm install to install required packages , cross check if node and mongodb are running.

To start backend

cd backend npm start

To start frontend

cd frontend npm start

To stop, press ctrl+c on your keyboard

Setting up env variables

cd to frontend edit .env file to your fit

REACT_APP_EOSIO_ACCOUNT=whatever the name given (yaman)


For .env in backend you may leave as it is

Code in acction 🏃🏃

Eos demo video