
This project was generated with Angular CLI version 1.1.3.

Getting started

  • Clone or fork this repository.
  • Install latest version of node.js .
  • Make sure you have NPM installed, to check open cmd and type npm -v for version checking.
  • Open the project directory and run command npm install.

Development server

Run npm start for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Code scaffolding

Run ng generate component component-name to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|module.


Run ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. Use the -prod flag for a production build.

Running unit tests

Run ng test to execute the unit tests via Karma.

Running end-to-end tests

Run ng e2e to execute the end-to-end tests via Protractor. Before running the tests make sure you are serving the app via ng serve.

Further help

To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help or go check out the Angular CLI README.

List of Calendar Functionalities:-

  • You can naviagte between Month view and week-day views through the buttons 'month' and 'week' at the top.
  • Any created event can be seen in both week and month view.
  • Month view
    • An Individual can add events in month view by clicking on the '+' icon.
    • The events of a particular date are displayed in the right panel.
    • You can navigate through previous and future months.
    • Event events can still be displayed in the right panel.
  • Week view
    • You can add event by clicking the cell of a day of a week.
    • Each cell is equivalent to 30 minutes time interval.
    • You can navigate through previous and future weeks.

Frameworks and Libraries:-

  • UI Framework
    • HTML5/CSS3
    • Material Design Bootstrap
  • Frontend Framework and Libraries
    • Angular 2 with Angular CLI intigration.
    • Karma and protractor config for testing.
    • Moment.js
    • jQuery

Future Enhancements

  • Editing of event can be done.
  • Routing can be implemented between the 2 views.
  • Responsive implementation can done.
  • Recuring event functionalities can be added.
  • Use of ngRx/stores for storing events locally can be done.