
Natural resource management project data capture and reporting

Primary LanguageGroovy


Build status Build Status


MERIT is a web application designed to collect and store planning, monitoring and reporting data associated with natural resource management projects. It is currently in use by the Australian Government Department of the environment and energy.

General Information


  • Grails framework 2.5.6
  • Knockout JS
  • Bootstap 2/4


  • Clone the repository to your development machine.
  • Create local directories:

This configuration file largely specifies URLs to MERIT dependencies. See https://github.com/AtlasOfLivingAustralia/fieldcapture/wiki/MERIT-Dependencies for information about these. Note that you will need to obtain an ALA API key to use ALA services and a Google Maps API key and specify them in this file.

  • Install npm and nodejs (see https://www.npmjs.com/get-npm)
  • Install the node dependencies for MERIT. Note these are currently only used for testing.
npm install
npm install -g karma


  • To run the grails unit tests, use:
grails test-app
  • Javascript user tests are run using npm/karma.
npm test

Or, to run the tests in a debugging environment using chrome:

npm run-script debug

Or, directly using karma:

node_modules/karma/bin/karma start karma.conf.js

(if you installed karma globally you won't need the full path)


MERIT depends on a running instance of ecodata and CAS so ensure these dependencies are running and configured correctly in fieldcapture-config.properties.

grails run-app -Dgrails.server.port.http=8087

MacOS Catalina

if you getting this error in MacOS

unable to create directory data/fieldcature/ehcache

You can use the file /etc/synthetic.conf to map your old folder to a new virtual folder on the root directory. If the file doesn't exists, just create it with sudo :

sudo nano /etc/synthetic.conf
Add this line in the synthetic.conf
data    /User/directory/data/

You must have only one tab character only between data and /User/directory/data/

Note the development configuration assumes MERIT is running on port 8087. This is because is it usually paried with ecodata, which is running on port 8080.