This project is an opinionated build automation for front-end web development based on Gulp, Node, NPM,Babel, Sass, and Pug.
- Pug compilation with gulp-pug
- Tidy Html files with gulp-prettier
- Concatinate the Javascript files with gulp-include
- Sass compilation with gulp-sass
- Es6 transpilation with gulp-babel
- Auto-refresh browser with browser sync
- Minification (Clean CSS and Uglify)
- Autoprefix CSS with Autoprefixer
- Better error messages in gulp with Plumber
- Compress images with Image min
- Show compiled file size with gulp-size in development mode
- Output project files in zip file for Themeforest production with gulp-zip
1- Clone this repository
git clone
2- Update the files
"name": "theme-name-no-space-character-please-using-dash",
"version": "1.0.0"
"documentation": "enter the online dcoumentation url",
"browserlist": "supprted browser list"
// for themeforest theme
const isThemeforestTheme = false;
// if production mode is active. -> false: developement mode
const isProduction = false;
// if minified file included in production
const minifiedFileInclude = false;
3- Install the project dependencies
cd my-new-project
npm install
4- Develop awesome things
npm start