A React-based web application to view and compare the GDPs of different countries
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React GDP Country App is a web application that displays the GDPs of different countries, allowing users to compare the data between countries. This app was built using React
react-chartjs-2 | İt is a library that allows you to create charts and graphs in your React applications |
chart.js | It is a popular open-source JavaScript library for creating responsive and customizable charts, graphs, and other data visualizations on web pages |
skratchdot/react-github-corner | Add a Github banner to your project page for React |
Next.js | The React Framework for SEO Friendly website and more... |
Commitlint | Send commit messages to conventional commits rules |
TypeScript | TypeScript is a strongly typed programming language that builds on JavaScript, giving you better tooling at any scale. |
SASS | The most mature, stable, and powerful professional grade CSS extension language in the world |
Editorconfig | Helps maintain consistent coding styles for my working on the same project across various editors and IDEs |
Eslint | Find and fix problems in your JavaScript code |
Prettier | An opinionated code formatter |
- You can view a chart comparing their GDPs over time
- You can view a list or table of countries with their GDP data
Node (v18.0.0+)
Npm (v6.00+)
- Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/yasinatesim/next-country-gdp-population.git
- Install the project dependencies
yarn install
For Development
yarn dev
- Change the directory
cd next-country-gdp-population
- Run this command without
oryarn install
yarn setup
yarn && docker-compose up --build
App is running on http://localhost:3000
For Production Build & Build Start
yarn build
yarn start
For Lint & Format
yarn lint
yarn format
- Copyright © 2023 - MIT License.
See LICENSE for more information.
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